
The official Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff game now available for Android


Family Guy The Quest for Stuff

New to the Google Play Store is the official Family Guy video game from TinyCo. The game features your favorite TV show family, the Griffins, doing what they do best… mayhem.

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The story begins with the Griffins attending a town meeting to find out why the Family Guy TV show has gotten cancelled (again). There, they find out it was nothing more than an elaborate plot by Chicken to exact his revenge on Peter Griffin. Another epic battle ensues, and when the dust clears, the city of Quahog is left in ruins. That’s where you, the player, comes in.

Family Guy Quest for Stuff game Android

Played in an over-head top view, we’d be lying if we said it didn’t remind us of the Simpsons: Tapped Out. You tap to perform actions with Peter, completing mission quests to find the rest of your family, and rebuild the town. Because, yes, this is a freemium title, there are two types of currency: coins and clams. Coins are given as rewards for rebuilding houses and buildings, while clams are a little tougher to come by (and can be acquired via in-app purchases, ie: real money).

Features? Well, the game has a quite a few:

  • It’s Free! Freakin’ free? Freakin’ sweet!
  • Create a living Quahog that fits enjoyably in your pants
  • Unlock hilarious outfits for your characters like Mermaid Peter, Bikini-Clad Quagmire, and Rambo Lois
  • Send your characters on ridiculous quests
  • Keep Quahog safe from pirates, evil chickens, and other invasions
  • Peterfy your town with decorations such as The Petercopter, The Peterdactyl, and The Hindenpeter
  • Unlock hundreds of brand new and classic animations

Family Guy game screenshot

Craziest part is the game has been translated to French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian, and Brazilian Portuguese — although we’re not sure how well the humor translates. Because the game’s dialog comes from the writers of the Family Guy show, you’re sure to have a good chuckle every now and again. You can download the Family Guy game via the Play Store link below.

Download on Google Play: Family Guy

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. transferred my save from the “closed” beta and I can say that there is already 2 “quests” that make me question if I should keep playing. One is a quest where you HAVE to buy a “box o’ coins” to get 4.99 of clams free”. And it NEVER leaves your quest log. Also there is one that harasses you to connect to facebook or the quest will never be complete. absolute stonewalling here. I used a modified apk for the beta and as far as I got before the loophole was closed..I can comfortably play for now.

  2. Giggity Giggity !!!

  3. Ironically, they’ve ripped off The Simpsons: Tapped Out with this game, just like they did with the show itself. Brilliant!

    1. I liked both up until the later seasons.

  4. As a show I like Family Guy better but Tapped Out is better to me so far.

  5. Good thing there will be hacks out there to remove these in app purchases.

  6. More freemium bullshit. No thanks.

  7. *Stewie voice* VICTORY IS MINE!!!!

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