
You can now order the unlocked and developer edition HTC One M8 [UPDATE]


htc one m8 gunmetal silver

HTC won’t be keeping people on the edge of their seats wondering if there will ever be a developer edition of the HTC One M8. The company has quietly listed the device online, and you can order it right now if you have $649 to spare.

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It’s nearly the same as all the other HTC One M8 devices we’ve been talking about as of late, except it comes with an unlockable bootloader and no carrier bloatware. There is one weird exception, though — the listing for the developer edition M8 shows Snapdragon 800 as the processor. The HTC One M8 is advertised with a Snapdragon 801.

We’re not sure if that is an intentional change or just a typo by whoever set this page up, but you know we’ll be knocking on HTC’s door to find out. In the meantime, know that the device is confirmed to be fully compatible with AT&T’s network here in the states, including HSPA+ and 4G LTE.

UPDATE: HTC has reached out to us, letting us know that this was indeed a typo. This phone is essentially the unbranded version as the AT&T model (just like last year’s), and HTC is working on updating the page to avoid further confusion.

Looking to take the plunge? You can find everything you need right here, but don’t expect it to ship for another couple of weeks.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Yo, I wonder if HTC is coming out with a black M8? We saw one in renders but never IRL

  2. I’m guessing typo. That would adversely increase the stratification across the M8 product line for merely a processor downgrade. I’m sure there would be nearly no savings.

  3. There’s actually a disclaimer, right below the specs, stating that the information may not be correct.

    1. Nvm. Thought we were talking about GPe.

  4. The Google play edition shows the chip as being the MSM8974AB which I believe is the 800 and the AC is the 801? Maybe the unlocked, developer, and Google play editions are getting the 800 for some reason?

    1. If what I read was correct, the AB is the 2.3 ghz 801 version most One M8’s have, the AC is the 2.5 ghz 801 in the Chinese version.

  5. At the end of the day, users get a good device even if the speed difference is between .1-.3 GHz. I wouldn’t mind the difference myself since the HTC One 2013 is good, so a 2014 one would be even better. I kinda miss my HTC One sometimes.

  6. I’m sure most have noticed this already, but T-Mobile’s version comes LTE ready on their newly purchased 700MHz spectrum, future ready.

    1. Does it now?

  7. Nice work QUENTYN.

  8. Props to HTC for having their sh*t together this year as far as releasing everything early and getting it out before Samsung.

  9. The HTC One M8 Developer Edition uses the MSM8974-AB CPU, which is a Snapdragon 801. This is a typo. HTC has been notified of the typo and should fix it sometime soon.

  10. Getting Dev Edition right away :)

  11. How effectively will the developer edition run on T-Mobile?

  12. Here we go again. Yes, they have a developer and unlocked version and they are back ordered several weeks. Is HTC crazy? By the time they are available, newer options will also be available and they will lose the early adopters. Sure, Samsung can afford to crush the competition in marketing, but there is no excuse not to have all models available at launch. Samsung never has problems having enough phones on sale at launch. HTC and Google still haven’t figured this out.

    1. i ordered my phone three days after launch, will be receiving in on the 3rd. The only people that have to wait a longer are those seeking phones through carriers with the exception of verizon.

  13. Just a day and it shows backordered, wow!

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