
Samsung Galaxy S5’s water resistance put to the test [VIDEO]


Samsung Galaxy S5 IP67 water test

Despite pwning noobz in worldwide market share, Samsung doesn’t exactly have the best reputation when it comes to device build quality. Maybe this is why some were skeptical over Samsung’s claims that the Samsung Galaxy S5 would come with an IP67 rating for dust/water resistance. A great feature to have, no doubt. But with all those buttons, ports, and a removable backplate, we heard it joked that Samsung could soon land themselves in hot water if future users put too much faith in the claim, taking the phone with them into the pool.

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Thankfully, some folks in a Russian YouTube channel are putting Samsung’s IP67 claims to the test, submersing the phone for 8 minutes in over 1 meter of grimey, funky water. The result? Well, I don’t want to spoil it for you, but let’s just say we were pleasantly surprised at how well the phone held up (even if we’d have to give it a once over with some Windex before ever touching it again). Check it out for yourselves in the video below.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I would have liked to have seen a side by side with the Galaxy S4, just as a comparison kind of thing to really prove it’s waterproof abilities.

    1. The S4 is not waterproof but the S4 Active is…

      1. Yeah I know, that’s why I would have liked to have seen the comparison to the S4. To show what sort of difference the waterproofing makes to how long it can stay submerged, how the phone operates after (or if it does at all…) etc.

        What better way to a) prove a feature and b) market a new product than to show it doing something better than the old one, right?

        1. If all you can afford for your test is an old fish-tank and some elastic bands, it’s possible that you can’t afford to blow a Galaxy S4.

          1. Hahah. Yeah that’s probably a good point.

      2. The active was not waterproof. dont get that mixed up with water resistant

      3. The s4 active is NOT waterproof, it’s hardly water resistant. My boss dropped his in a bowl of water and it became an instant paper weight.

  2. Trust me, the S4 is nothing close to waterproof. Accidentally dropped mine in a cup of water beside my bed and the thing went bezerk with flashing screen and lights as soon as it hit water. Lost my Assurance over that incident.

    1. Did you have the Galaxy S4 Active?

    2. Galaxy s4 was never advertised as being water proof, only splash proof. Unless you are referring to the active.

    3. I dropped my S3 in a toilet while cleaning it (it was in a hoodie pocket I was wearing at the time). I immediately pulled the battery, then hunted down some instant rice (instant is important) and placed both that and the phone in a small sealed container. 14 hours later, everything worked, no problems since (and it’s been over a year). Rice really does work, as I had to pull the same stunt (with the same pleasant result) with an old Palm Treo 750 that I waded into a river with.

      1. nice poo was it?

        1. Lol.

      2. how would rice work in taking Out the water? Rice need to be boild in order to absorb water and expand

        1. ” Rice need to be boild in order to absorb water and expand”

          Instant rice can absorb at room temp. That’s why it comes sealed, and/or with a silicon packet.

          1. Beat me to it

        2. One word… Google.

    4. Thankfully, this is the S5 they’re talking about.

  3. Was the convoluted scheme with the wire and 74 rubber bands necessary? Is he lowering down an S4 or a motorcycle?

    1. Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. Why the rubber bands? Just drop the phone, let’s see what happens

      1. I think it was to hold the cable to take it out again.

    2. neither

  4. In Soviet Russia, smartphone submerges you!

    1. I laughed hard. I do that all the time.

  5. My Sony Xperia Z1s doesn’t need rubber bands to submerge in water :-)

    1. Yes, but our z1s’ don’t have removable batteries either.

    2. It’s a beautiful device. With these things it’s a give and take. No removable battery but it’s got its advantages.

  6. Weird there is water in the back.

    1. See that grey line running around the inside of the battery lid? That’s a seal – so water is permitted to enter the rear compartment, but not go further than that seal which directly protects the battery/sim card/ etc.

  7. Nice I hope that Samsung makes the Note 4 with the same or better rating against water and dust.

  8. Impressive, still some one can explain me why this water submergion can’t affect the headphone plug in port??

    1. Stronger seals around the inside of the phone where the port is, is my guess. Enough to keep the water from seeping in between the port and its connection on the motherboard.

    2. Because the headphone port does not carry an electrical charge when headphones are not plugged in. Simple really.

    3. Another impressive waterproofing is the headphone jack. It is not sealed but is waterproof and protects the unit’s interior.

  9. Impressive, IP67 is the best innovation with the GS5, hope to see it on more phones moving forward.

  10. Actually submerged for 30 minutes, not 8. They fast forwarded a lot. You can see the time before and after though. I am more interested in how much a beating it can take and still be waterproof. Otherwise the first time it gets dropped, even if there appears to be no damage, I’d never trust it again.

  11. Well, now it’ll be up to aftermarket companies to make IP67 compatible extended batteries & battery covers.

  12. What’s wrong with a little piece of duct tape and some string?

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