
AOKP founder Roman Birg doesn’t want to Kang anymore, joins Cyanogen Inc



The founder of the second most popular Android ROM and possibly the man with most amount of swagger from the Android community, Roman Birg, has joined Cyanogen Inc.

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Roman started the Android Open Kang Project ROM back in November 2011, following the release of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Since then, his ROM has gained quite the following throughout the Android modding community, ranking in at number two after CyanogenMod, Android’s most popular custom ROM.

We’ve confirmed with both Roman and CyanogenMod and wish Roman the best of luck on his new career path. Roman might have left the land of pink unicorns behind for a new day job, but that doesn’t mean AOKP is dead. AOKP is a living, breathing machine. Roman has assured us that he will still be contributing to AOKP while he hangs with Cid and gang.

Not only is this a shocker that will most likely rock the Android world, this is truly exciting. Only good things can come from this. What are you thoughts? Let us know in the comments.

Image credit: Asher Simonds

Derek Ross
I'm a passionate Android enthusiast that's on the pulse of the latest Android news, writing about Android as often as possible. I'm also a little addicted to social networking. Hit me up, I'd love to chat.

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  1. Don’t know if I would say AOKP is the #2 ROM under CM. I think it’s more like:
    #1 CM
    #2 Paranoid Android
    #3 AOKP

    Just my opinion though ;)

    1. Paranoid Android is an amazing ROM as well :)

    2. I think AOKP is popular in asia right?
      But I would certainly say 1. CM 2. AOKP 3. LiquidRoms

      1. Idk. Aokp has fallen behind a few others lately IMO. Maybe just my device now (maintainer) but it’s not the standard I was used to..

        1. I read somewhere that AOKP was the 3rd most popular behind #1 CM and #2 MIUI..I don’t know where the other roms rank.

      2. Its popular in America. AOKP is from America. Roman is from NJ. AOKP started with the Verizon Gnex, I believe for its first device.

    3. Its not an opinion its a fact, AOKP is the 2nd most downloaded/installed ROM way ahead of PA. Also in most people’s opinion it is a much better ROM than CM and PA (at least before 4.4 came out, I know they have been slow with 4.4)

  2. AOKP setting the record straight on twitter. Get it right. :)

    1. What are you talking about? Everything I said is accurate. Roman did get a job at CM. Roman IS still going to contribute to AOKP. AOKP lives on.

      1. @AOKP_ROM: @phandroid that headline is insulting, and the article inaccurate. @romanbb hasn’t ‘left’ AOKP – it isn’t a job. Nothing said he has to.


          1. Problem solved then.

          2. hahaha you guys come in with your pitch forks and stuff and don’t even check with your own guy?? MAN!!!

          3. The title is misleading though. When i saw it I assumed he had a falling out wkth AOKP and left for CM

        1. insulting? really?

          1. That was the tweet from AOKP. It was appreantly a misunderstanding.

          2. yeah i know i was just saying, insulting is a bit much.

      2. ..so he still wants to Kang?

        Ah. Gotta love headlines.

  3. Misleading headline is misleading

    1. So you guys joke about kanging but then get butt hurt when someone says it??

      build a bridge and get over it haha

      1. Wut? The headline implies he’s leaving aokp which is inaccurate.

        1. Alright, fair enough but taking it to the message boards isn’t really going to change anything.

          If you wanted to have the author change it, contacting him privately would of been the correct way…..just saying.

          1. *would’ve

        2. I don’t think is all that bad. The article explains mostly everything about the hire and CM, AOKP.

          FYI, if you wanted the author to change the title….taking it to the message board isn’t exactly the correct way. Derek Ross is pretty much known and can easily be found on Google+, Twitter, etc

        3. Remember, this whole “Kanging” thing is a joke. The title made me laugh. I do agree that you could read into things, and assume that he’s leaving AOKP. Then again, I’m not one to make assumptions all that easily.

  4. A lot of tech news have misleading headlines.

    1. Very true. Some more annoying than others. Especially when they claim “exclusive coverage” of CES. Sure you do…

  5. I used AOKP constantly on my Gnex but things slowed down a lot with AOKP and it got frustrating to have to wait for stable releases. Since getting my Nexus 5, I’ve said goodbye to ROMS altogether and and am all about stock ROM + Xposed + Gravity Box. I have my favorite AOKP features and access to Google’s updates without any waiting. Killer.

  6. Why do people insist about complaining about every single thing. What’s wrong with the title? After reading the story (if you misinterpreted wrong because of the title) then you realize what really happened. Why do I always have to read people criticizing the author about the title is misleading or AOKP isn’t the 2nd best ROM!! Just read the article and try and post something tasteful or useful!! IMHO!!

    1. Because they don’t have real problems.

      1. Must be nice to live in a world of “0” problems!!! I wish I did!!

  7. “Open Kang Founder Joins Cyanogen Team” would have been sufficiently catchy without being disingenuous.

    1. Would it be as cold and sterile enough for you as well? JURNALIZM

    2. I guess I could have said “AOKP founder doesn’t want to unofficial anymore, plans to work on official releases at CM”.No one would get that joke either.

      1. If I participated in an Open Mic night doing stand-up and no one got the jokes should I blame the audience for failing to have a sense of humor or should I re-think my material and delivery?

      2. He is still going to work on AOKP…

  8. aokp is the best rom out there.

  9. Cyanogen has gone commercial. Hopefully it has gotten better in the last four months since I last tried it. Honestly, with my MotoX, I miss nothing a ROM provides.

    1. The only way you miss nothing from ROM’s is if you use Xposed.

  10. that leaves Omni rom as only major custom Rom choice

    1. Why is that so? AOKP is nowhere near dead, SlimRom is doing fine, and ParnoidAndroid is as innovative as ever. MIUI is very popular and let’s not forget the opensource ROM who has a theme engine comptaible with MIUI: Chameleon OS. Plus, CyanogenMod’s leaders are making their own phone.

      1. AOKP’s founder is already gone and suppport for new android releases will be slow and Paranoid Android is only for nexus devices. The developer of chameleon os is also been hired by CM

        1. Roman will continue to work on AOKP.

  11. corporate sloth. cyanogen is now just some corporate machine. sad.

  12. How i see everyone complaining about the title of this article: LOUD NOISES


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