
CyanogenMod introduces new GalleryNext app, join the Google+ community to start testing it today


CyanogenMod GalleryNext screenshots

It seems the CyanogenMod team is always looking for fun new ways to enhance the user experience on their custom Android ROM. After introducing cLock a few months back, a souped up calculator, and even their own camera app (that last one didn’t turn out so well), Cyanogen Inc is trying their hand at an improved gallery app named, what else, but GalleryNext.

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Still very much in beta form, GalleryNext is currently available for testing via their Google+ community. Once joined, following this link will allow you to opt-in for the beta, at which point you can head here to download from the Google Play Store and try out the app for yourself.

Unlike the stock Android Gallery app (which has since been replaced by the new Photos app in the newest KitKat builds), the app displays your photos vertically, displaying all of them in chronological order. A side menu can be pulled out to change the view between Moments (based on the day the pictures were taken), or Albums (folder view).

It takes some getting used to, and there are definitely more than a few bugs present (hence the beta status). The most interesting part we found was the ability to view galleries from cloud services like Dropbox, Flickr, Picasa, or Facebook. Go ahead and give it a try for yourself, we think the CM guys are definitely onto something here. Cheers.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. The link to sign up is mixed with the link for the Play Store.

    1. Ah, swapped them around. Should be fine now. Thanks!

  2. Cyanogen maybe good at some stuff, but design is defiantly not one of their strengths. This is horrendous.

  3. Anything is better than the stock Gallery app.

  4. Am deep into Google ecosystem but am not naive enough to join GooglePlus.

  5. now Chris can easily access his hentai galleries

  6. the beta joining link and the download links both give a big fat 404 for me :(

    1. Durst, your profile pic is Dexter from Dexter’s Lab. You win everything. Such a great cartoon.

      1. thanks man! Dexter ROCKS :)

        1. I know, right? I haven’t heard of cartoons I’d want my kids to watch one day since I found out about Chowder.

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