
Laugh if you want, but TREWGrip’s accordion-style tablet keyboard could be productivity heaven


The TREWGrip keyboard will catch your eye immediately. It’s definitely not slim or svelte. It’s somewhat large, has an accordion-like form factor, and looks unlike other products on the market. If you’re the type of person that theoretically likes tablets, but in reality prefers laptops at every turn, TREWGrip might win you over.

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The TREWGrip is described as a “Rear-Type” keyboard, meaning the keys are actually on the back of the device.


On the front of the device you see indicators for what keys are on the flip side, and when pressing an actual key, the indicator on the front will illuminate to confirm (or deny) that you pressed the right button.


The middle area is where you dock your tablet, via suction. Hopefully they’ll improve this function before launch since it didn’t seem flawlessly sturdy and all it takes is one drop to break your device. It also would only fit a smaller tablet and not a larger, 10-inch tablet; incorporating a slide to increase or decrease the width of the tablet dock would be helpful (similar to the PhoneJoy gaming controller).

TREWGrip touts that the learning curve for their keyboard is very low, allowing you to achieve 80% typing speed of your normal QWERTY Keyboard after only 8 to 10 hours of use and familiarity. It’ll vary from person to person, but supposedly it typically allows more Words Per Minute typed than Swype and has even lower barriers to productivity.

The TREWGrip is cool, but would I actually buy it? I’m not sure. But I’m not sure that matters. I’m a typical consumer who works from home and sits in front of my keyboard, with dual monitors and a nice big QWERTY, 80% of my day. Where I can really see the TREWGrip making an impact is for field agents who need to be productive while standing and working.

  • Retail employees in stores like Verizon Wireless or AT&T
  • Nurses and doctors going from room to room, patient to patient, but who need portable productivty
  • Comcast employees in the field or any other agents that make house calls
  • And the list goes on

I may not have otherwise considered this “in the field” approach, but seeing our demonstrator dock the TREWGrip keyboard on his hip definitely flipped the light switch.

TREWGrip Founder

As with all startups and emerging tech companies, time will tell if it sticks and succeeds. Their chances will largely rely on a successful launch, which will occur in the coming months. The company is still considering the merits of either attracting investors or launching a KickStarter campaign. Whichever route they go, we wish them the best, and we’ll make sure to keep our readers up to date with their latest endeavors.

Check out the company and follow their latest news at

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Well, at least it’s still QWERTY.

    But it needs an option to make a little musical wheezing sound whenever you press a key.

  2. I think I’ll have to get one for my nexus 7

  3. LOL…$250 is more than a Nexus 7…wow, that’s definitely something that you’d have to market to B2B. Can’t see regular consumers paying that much for a bluetooth keyboard.

    1. It’s not really a bad price.

      1. Still can’t see many consumers paying just as much (if not more) for the keyboard, than their tablet costs.

  4. Hahaha haha hahaha! Sorry, but that is absolutely ridiculous looking. If you want to type fast on a mobile device, get a laptop.

    1. You’re ridiculous looking.

    2. Or maybe a standard QWERTY keyboard. =.=

  5. I want to see this go on Shark Tank just to see what they would have to say about it

  6. Want to make a tablet a bad laptop? Yup, you got it. Plus you can also use it to toss your tablet on the floor as the video shows. Amazing, only $250!!!!

  7. This honestly looks like something that I would have seen coming out of CES in 2007. He types faster on this than using Swype because it’s his product. I can’t imagine Swype being slower to use than this. Swype with a stylus like the S-Pen on the Note 3, crazy fast.

    1. You know what? I never thought of using Swype with a stylus. I don’t use it because I don’t like swiping across my screen. It feels uncomfortable. Hmm…

      1. Not sure how it would feel with the traditional stylus but something like the S-Pen is firmer and easier to use. Some of my friends get annoyed at how quickly I can text with that damn thing.

  8. I wonder how much that guy wasted on that?

  9. That guy looks like he’s going to snap and kill someone.

  10. I love innovative products like this.

  11. Hail no!! I just put my hands in those position and my mind said “I don’t know what’s going on.” LoL!!

    This requires too much thinking and I’m too lazy to think. =.P

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  13. TREW is q-WERT-y backwards. Clever.

  14. I can see this being incredibly painful if not borderline impossible to type on. Even the preview image looks bad. It’s an idea, and that’s about it.

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