
Eyes-on: Parrot MiniDrone [VIDEO]



If there is a company we are sure we will see at every single event, it has to be Parrot. These guys bring their quadcopters to every corner of the world, but today they have something a little special for us – the Parrot Mini Drone.

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Form factor and features

This little guy is not like the awesome Parrot Drone 2.0, but it will be easier to take around. The whole quadcopter fits in the palm of your hand, making it a fun and simple toy for the kids (and adults).

To protect the device, Parrot has included 2 protective wheels. These can be removed for more fun, but be sure to have a good handle on it before you do that. Parrot does say they will be “affordable”, but they can’t be super cheap either.

One awesome feature is that the MiniDrone does not work only on WiFi. The user can opt for both Bluetooth and WiFi in order to control the flying copter.

Price and availability

Price and availability are still vague. All we know is that they will be “affordable” and will be released “this year”. I have to say, guys – I kinda want one!

Edgar Cervantes

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  1. Is it just me or does it look like an evil robot with yellow eyes?

  2. Lmao, “They’ll be affordable.” Their big sized one is a rip off.

    1. They are a little expensive and the battery doesn’t last. Hopefully I can get a used one for a lot cheaper and buy a different battery that is better.

  3. These little quads are pretty popular. It was only a matter of time before parrot made one.

  4. I’ll take 2, one for me the other for my nephew

    1. There’s already plenty available. Got a killer one on Amazon for like $20. This thing is unbelievable. Parrot is quite late to the show.

  5. The difference between the $300 one they make now and the $20 ones everyone seems to be talking about is that the Parrot ones actually have a video camera and allow you to see the video from it on your phone and fly it from the video stream.

    1. Which for a small in the living room flyer is totally pointless.
      What does a tiny camera cost anyway? $10? Think smartphone front facing shooter. This could do video and still be sub $100.

      1. Send it around the corner and remotely “see” what’s there. There’s a point for you.

  6. if this has a camera…im not sure wasnt mentioned n cant watch vid at work..and a decent price it would be a fun lil toy to have

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