
Google announces ten new Chromecast apps, including VEVO, BeyondPod, Revision 3 and more


Chromecast Featured ready to cast

We already gave you an in-depth look at Avia, and Plex told us about their new Chromecast support. Now, Google is highlighting 8 more apps that have all gotten Chromecast support starting today. That brings us to ten new apps in all, which Google says should be enough to make sure you and your family can easily share your favorite holiday moments and memories this Christmas season. Here’s the full list after the new additions:

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  • Netflix
  • HBO Go
  • Hulu Plus
  • Pandora
  • YouTube
  • Google Play TV & Movies
  • Google Play Music
  • Avia
  • Plex
  • ReadPlayer Cloud
  • VEVO
  • Red Bull.TV
  • Songza
  • PostTV
  • Viki
  • Revision 3
  • and BeyondPod

All you’ll need to do is be sure you’re up on the latest versions of your respective app of choice, and you should find a nice new Chromecast button that will allow you to enjoy your content on the big screen. This is just another of many reasons why Time named it their gadget of the year. You can find the full list of currently supported Chromecast apps over at Google’s landing page for the little guy. Be sure to talk all about these apps and more over at’s Chromecast section.

[Google via ChromeSpot]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

Plex adds Chromecast support

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  1. I knew, given time, this would make my $35 purchase a very wise one.

    1. Indeed . Everytime it keeps getting better.

  2. I just replaced my GTV in the bedroom with one of these… It’s a shame but for most of my use it’s much better and less buggy/frustrating.

  3. Red Bull TV, sweet! Now for Spotify…?

    1. seriously, why haven’t they implemented this?

    2. Can you cast spotify from a chrome tab? I have google music but am thinking of switching.

      1. I just tried on my iPad but didn’t have any luck. Spotify is a great service if you’re willing to pay for it. I have discovered more music through Spotify than any other music service.

  4. So, which one is the best for streaming local content?

    1. Plex hands down, have it running on my HTPC and connected to all my PC’s in my house… #1 local Media server setup

      1. Isn’t plex a subscription based service?
        I don’t think I want to pay monthly for something I might use once or twice a month.

        1. Plex is a paid app but the service is free.
          There is a paid option though

          1. According to the other article, chromecast support is only available with the subscription. I thought that subscription isn’t free.

          2. They have monthly < $7 or a one time of like $75

          3. the Chromecast piece is subscription only, currently. Their site gives the impression that it will eventually be free

      2. XBMX is #1 overall.. Plex might be at the top of paid solutions though. With so many free options, I don’t know why anyone would pay for PLEX though.

  5. So what’s the point of a Nexus TV then? It looks like Chromecast will be all that i need with these new apps popping up.

    1. Nexus TV is a set top box… like your current cable box or satellite receiver. I’m wondering if they are basically working on an IP solution and working with big networks to come up with a deal those greedy bastards will accept..

    2. I’m probably oversimplifying this, but Chromecast is basically Android with one app. That app is a web-browser that is controlled from chromecast enabled apps on a phone/tablet/computer.
      Nexus TV a full blown stand alone Android device and should have a lot more power to run things that are more power-hungry than just a web-browser.

  6. My problem is I like to mess with my phone/tablet while I am watching TV… so this doesnt really work for me :(

    1. How is that stopping you? I use chrome while using the the netflix app as a remote.

    2. What can you not do exactly?

    3. Why not? Hit home and use your phone like normal. It’s not using your phones hardware or resources. I use my phone like normal while watching YouTube.

      1. I just prefer a stand alone device. All in all though I got about what it cost in Netflix when I bought it so no loss for me.

      2. Like he said its not playing off your phone.Its actually running off the the device on the TV. This is the one thing ive bought this year that I believe is worth more than I paid for it.

    4. Isn’t that one of the huge benefits of using a chromecast??? I know that’s the main reason I got one.

    5. Why don’t you use your phone/tablet to cast all your music/tv/videos to the chromecast……. and then press the home button on your tablet…… then continue to mess with your phone/tablet while watching TV? why haven’t you done that yet?

    6. yeah you can do this.

  7. Come on Aereo!

  8. *sighs* Still no Slacker Radio. I prefer it over Pandora radio that is for sure.

    1. Songza is pretty legit. Just started using it today after seeing Chromecast support. I like it more than Pandora even with my unlimited skip hack. Songs don’t repeat over and over again like Pandora.

  9. Until they release Slacker….. meh

  10. I was just about to pull the trigger on a chromecast til I realized that Beyondpod was still only able to stream from the internet even if you already downloaded the episode to your Android device. Sigh. I am wondering how plex makes it work for local content.

    1. with Avia, you could cast local videos to the chromecast.

  11. For anyone not aware and not paying for Hulu Plus, you can also stream the free version of Hulu from a laptop using the Chrome browser and Chromecast extension.

  12. This is awesome news, always wanted an option to cast local content on my tv :D. Any thoughts on Avia vs Plex ? What do you guys recommend ?

  13. if I could use the dish network app and any video player app I would be throughing money at this

  14. They really must have NDA’d the crap of the hackathon participants :/ I’m hopeful there is more to come in regards to opening the device and release that SDK.

  15. Local content downloaded from Google Play (Movies/TV). Why is this being overlooked?

    1. I get the feeling it has a lot to do with money. Given that aVia makes it possible, with a purchase to cast local media, I’m reasonably sure Google made a deal somewhere to protect them at least on the short term. Which, by extension is why MxPlayer STILL isn’t CC compatible eventhough they do have a paid Pro version themselves. Kind of regulating competition so to speak. In about 3-6 months I would wager that we’ll see more local casting options or Google will update Google Play Movies/TV to do it for free.

      As a side note, I had aVia “pro” when it was a “free” app of the day from the Amazon store a long time ago, and was shocked that I had to basically enhance it just for casting now. Because of that, I uninstalled aVia and will wait till better paid options come available. I’ve waited this long and things are improving, what’s a little longer?

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