
Download the Nexus 4’s Android 4.4. KitKat (KRT16S) OTA directly from Google


Nexus 4 watermarked wm

It was only on Tuesday we told you guys about the new and improved Android 4.4 KitKat build (KRT16S) rolling out to the Nexus 4. Sure you could wait around for the over-the-air update to get pushed to your device, but if it’s one thing I’ve learned about Android users over the years, it’s that they’re impatient. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, if you have the technical know-how, it’s possible to take matters into your own hands and flash the OTA update via ADB.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

There’s always the custom recovery route, but not every recovery is compatible and you’ll lose root. Of course, you can always wait for the update to hit your device, cherishing your last remaining moments with Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. Official download link from Google’s servers provided below. For reference, we’ve included a handy walkthrough video from qbking77 showing the steps for manual installation.

Download: KRT16S OTA update (239MB)

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Got the OTA 5 minutes ago =D. Stock 4.3 rooted.

  2. In Chicago and I literally JUST got the OTA for my Nexus 7 outta no where!!!! It’s been weeks and I’m been waiting and waiting and guys it IS HERE!!!! 4:35pm in Chicago IL…totally stock Nexus 7 2013 got the 4.4 OTA now

  3. My son just got his but mine is no where in sight. Might just jack his nexus.

  4. It seems people are reporting the 4.4 OTA update on their nexus 4. I think I’ll wait for this update to come to my nexus 4.

  5. I have rooted nexus 4 with Franco.kernel, how would I go about flashing this? Will I lose my data and root? Thanks

  6. Again through ADB ? What happened to the good ol days when you could just flash the update zip in your stock recovery?

    1. You’re still flashing in stock recovery, adb sideload is just a different way to copy the zip to your device. If you’re rooted, you should also be able to update by copying the zip to the /cache partition (renamed to update.zip) and the recovery should install it automatically. I’d expect it you could also install from internal storage using a custom recovery.

  7. I tried checking in to see if I had updates for my N4 and nothing. So, I cleared my Google Services Framework “app”, force closed it, and checked again and there it was. Downloading as we speak…

    1. ._. did not work for me…

      EDIT: nvm, it WORKED!!!!!!! THANK YOUU!!!

      1. How many times did you try, it’s still not working for me

        1. Took me 5 or 6 tries but I got it.

          1. I’ve done it at least 10 and no cigar. Really hoping Google hurries up

        2. I actually found a problem with updating from this standpoint. The notifications stopped working for Gmail, Hangouts,FB messenger and so on( only could hear ringtone notification but no notification icon). Depends on how many applications you have that push notifications. The only workaround to fix this is deleting the data from those apps.

    2. Isn’t doing this bad for the phone? Or has that just been said to keep us from doing it so the servers don’t get blocked up?

      1. I dunno. I’ve used this method in the past and I’ve never had any problems.

        1. Well I gave in and did it. Downloading now and have my fingers crossed nothing has been messed up!

        2. Yep did it and I haven’t found a single problem with anything.

      2. Some people have complained of losing their push notifications from apps and losing the device listing on play store after clearing google framework data.

        1. I had an initial issue with a few Google apps but rebooting seemed to fix it all. Now I’m getting notifications and no closes.

    3. It works like a charm! Thanks mate.

    4. If so complex. I think just use MYSAGA C1 is more convenient. http://goo.gl/HxDGSy

      1. What a piece of garbage. In what way is it “more convenient”?

      2. Wtf is this pos?

    5. Ive just done this and the 4.4 update did not appear. Now none of my apps on the playstore will update? They all bring a error message back saying failed? Can anyone give me any advice please? Thanks

      1. Never mind, had to delete my Google account, and force close/ delete cache and restart play store. Too much faffing around, so I’m just gonna have to be patient and wait for the OTA instead

  8. thanks @shellis129:disqus!!!!! (:

    1. Cool!

  9. The OTA release showed up for me this evening…

  10. Just check for the update, if not available, just go to settings>apps>All Apps> and clear the data of Download manager and stop the process, then go to Google services framework and clear the data and stop the process and shut down the device from there itself. Turn on and check again. I got mine just now.

      1. Well, maybe, but I got the update immediately on both nexus 4 and nexus 7 2012 3g. And I’m not having problems with any kind of notification related to Google services.

  11. I managed to sideload the OTA update. It works like a charm and no issues as yet..

  12. I just want to try this and see what happens. After all, this is a new skill that I must cherish. Thanks.

  13. bricked does not go trough the kitkat logo help pls

    1. Visit xda-developers and go to the Nexus 4 Troubleshooting section. They’ll have solutions for you.

    2. Same thing happened to me. Phone was unlocked and didn’t have usb debugging turned on so I don’t think i’m able to do anything :( Ended up doing a warranty exchange.

  14. got it, but error while installing in TWRP, why ? and then the update disappeared until I cleared Google Services Framework then downloaded it again, I will try to install it again.

    1. Did you happen to flash a patched framerwork.zip file to get a transparent lock screen?

  15. Got the update in Pakistan last night but the download is still waiting !! Havn’t resumed as yet.

    1. Your picture says WiFi only until the 23rd. But you’re using EDGE (2G), try connecting it to a wifi connection.

    2. I think that it’s waiting for you to get connected to Wi-Fi. I’m still waiting for it in Rwanda, Africa.

    3. How you got this in PAK? Are you cleared the services framework data to get this?

      1. Yes…I cleared service framework but haven’t reumed yet

        1. Thanks for your reply!
          It takes time, try to restart your device on daily base and keep the Wi-Fi on. Same happened to me when i purchased this phone and the default versions was 4.2.2 and i have to update it to 4.3

    4. Needs to be on wifi

      1. Thanks, I’d been checking for days on 3G!

  16. Got 4.4 on both of my Nexus 4 phones this morning. Went from 4.3->4.4 OTA. Hardly any UI change though.

    1. Did you install the Google Experience Launcher apk?

      1. Where do you get this apk

  17. Me and my wife got KitKat OTA yesterday. Update offers some improvements. I really like the built in search for the dialer and the immersion mode when I’m reading books. I still wish they had just incorporated the KitKat launcher in the update. I heard it will eventually make its way to the Nexus 4, but how is that consistent. I’m happy nonetheless . Phoenix AZ

    1. That was a HORRIBLE move on Google’s part. A VERY POOR decision IMHO.

  18. got it but now for reason I can’t send MMS messages I tried disabling hangouts, rebooting phone, mobile network, Wi-Fi, tried reinstalling hangouts… n didley squat :-(

  19. Finally got the OTA on my Nexus 10 but still no chocolate for my Nexus 4

    1. You will get it probably today or tomorrow. My wife got it for her 4 this evening and I got it for my 7 this morning. Lot’s of foreplay for a VERY SMALL eruption.

  20. I sideloaded the Android 4.4 update which was build KRT16O or something close to that. A few minutes ago I got the update to KRT16S which was 9 MB in size.

  21. I just got 4.4 OTA (on nexus 4) but the black bar behind the button is still there and the app drawer icon is still the same somehow everything is the same only got white colour stuff

    1. You need the Google Launcher for the transparency.

      1. How do I get google launncher?

        1. Unlock bootloader root device, install cwm and custom recovery flash the newest nexus 5 port from xda flash add ons like moto x Qualcomm dalvik binaries and improvements. Yiu get best and newest KitKat with transparency google launcher google now menaging the homescreen ok google voice control and benchmark scores around 10k on quadrant and 22k on antutu.

  22. my update has been going for almost 45 minutes. I tried restarting my phone, but I only have the red, blue, yellow and green circles cycling into the square… did I do something wrong, or is there something i can do to speed up the process?????

  23. I downloaded the OTA software above but still not working…what do I do please

  24. Its a real disappointment that Google HELD BACK the launcher for the Kitkat update for the 4 and 7. They didn’t even include the cool way to add and remove home screens. If Apple did this SAME MOVE the Android crybabies on here would be SCREAMING about how horrible Apple is. It’s like Google took the COOLEST feature and decided to be dicks about giving that to 4 and 7 owners.

    On a positive note though it’s AWESOME that Android is FINALLY able to stand on it’s own without manufacturer overlays. The 4 is so much faster and smoother versus the Note 2.

    1. dude, that’s what’s nice about android, you can add those features with a simple APK install, took me less than 2 mins

      1. 1) It’s not official so that isn’t always a viable solution so not as simplistic as you make it seem. 2) I DID try that and ended up with Widgets that weren’t working.

  25. how do i install it on the phone

  26. Hi guys. .I use the S4…but even after downloading the OTA file
    ..nothing happened. ..was told file cant be opened. .must I do it tru a PC…please help out

    1. this guide is for Nexus4 device only dude

    2. You’re doing it wrong

  27. I removed chrome and now the sideload fails because chrome is not in as a system app. can anyone help me to restore the chrome without wiping into factory defaults – I would really appreaciate any help

  28. Please help … My update stucked at this point …. Cleared my google services but still no luck …even after restart i get same problem

    1. yes

  29. hi i downloaded everything for my nexus 4 i plugged in the phone and it doesn’t recognize
    device any solutions

  30. still no update on my nexus 4

  31. My nexus 7 2013 has kit Kat but no Google edition launcher! That was the best part! Now it fells like 4.3…

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