
HOT DEAL: Get Swiftkey Keyboard for 50% off!



Swiftkey became one of the most successful keyboards in the Google Play Store very quickly after its release. Its prediction technology, fun layouts, language support and cloud features have made it my very own go-to keyboard. I use it on all my devices and simply can’t find a keyboard I like better.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Today would be a great day to jump on this keyboard if you haven’t yet. Swiftkey is offering its third-party keyboard for only $1.99, giving you a 50% discount. This is really the keyboard I recommend the most to all my fellow Android users. We put it in our top list of Android keyboards and gave it a great review in the past.

This offer is active only today, so make sure you make your decision soon. You have until tonight! Go buy it straight from the Google Play Store.

[Google Play Store]

Edgar Cervantes

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  1. What are the advantages over the free version?

    1. The free version of SwiftKey is only a trial. Are you talking about the stock keyboard?

      1. I never tried either I just seen that there was the trial.

        1. It learns your typing patterns, words and style across all your devices that you have SwiftKey installed on. Eventually it is possible to predict whole sentences from just a single keystroke. Saves a lot of time and you can type a lot faster and more accurately

          1. Yea I have fat stubby Italian fingers so this might actually help me out.

          2. Try using Flow in SwiftKey. You can see it in one of the demo vids. You just slide your finger across the keys to create words. Very accurate at predicting and you don’t have to be exact with your motions – in my opinion.

    2. Free version is a trial and limited to 30 days uses only. After that you will need to buy full version.

      1. Thanks.

  2. Hmm, it’s always priced at Rs. 50 here in India, which is a bit less than $1, like many other apps (even NFS Most Wanted is $1, instead of $6 as is the usual price). Guess some devs are actually sensible and price according to market (is that possible on Google Play?). Pray to God someday console game distributors (which are usually the console makers themselves?) do the same (PC games are priced quite cheap here, max $25).

    1. I didn’t noticed it until now. A lot of paid apps are discounted in Indian play store. I just compared top paid apps. AVG is $15 in US store and in India it’s 299 Rs ($5). And Poweramp is $4 in US store but in India it 63 Rs ($1).

      Not sure if it’s just a glitch or Google’s way to minimize piracy. But it’s nice to see atleast software is cheaper here than in US.

      1. It’s pretty good, to be honest, since while $5 might not be much in the US, after direct conversion it’s a bit more costly here. That’s why PC games are all $20-25 instead of $60 as in the US/other nations, since $60 for just one game is too much. On consoles, that’s not the case, but I guess we can wait out for prices to reduce before grabbing them, haha.

  3. I like that you managed to use the SwiftKey Tilt April Fool’s image. *sad trombone*

  4. If I weren’t on the Note 3 and liking the OEM keyboard a lot, I’d be back on Swiftkey for sure. I’d recommend this keyboard for anybody that doesn’t like their OEM keyboard.

    1. i was on the samsung OEM keyboard for a while with my note 2. recently switched back to swiftkey for sh*ts and giggles and I can’t believe I left. Samsung keyboard is definitely nice but swift key is awesome.

      1. There are 2 things that made me stick with the stock keyboard on the Note 2 (and now with the note 3). 1) One handed operation, 2) handwriting pad recognition. That said, on the Note 2, I rarely (if ever) used the handwriting pad because the area to compose was so small. On the Note 3, it’s improved so much because you can scroll to the right and continue handwriting one word at a time, without needing to wait for the word to apply (or press the space bar). If I were still on the Note 2, I’d likely switch back to swiftkey, since they have added the ability to re-size the keyboard (and the handwriting pad isn’t as good as the Note 3). That’s why I use it on my Note 8.0.

  5. got it for 10¢ like 2 years back. great app but I still prefer Swype for actual word swipes

  6. No discount for the tablet version :( The phone version works well enough on tablets that it’s not really worth it to me now, but I figure it will be later.

  7. They do a really good job of hyping everyone up over this. After purchasing the last version and using it for maybe a week I went back to the aosp keyboard which IMO is all around a better choice anyone else?

    1. agreed i tried the free version for the free month, and disliked it, it seem to have a hard time trying to figure out what i wanted even at the end of the month, the built-in understands me with minimal input

      1. It’s almost so bland that you think these blogsites get paid to hype it up. I wonder if @chrischavez still uses it… Honestly.

  8. Someone tell SwiftKey Samsung doesn’t like on screen buttons…

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