
T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Note 3 now available for pre-order, $200 down and $21 a month


T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Note 3 pre-order

True to T-Mobile’s press release that was sent out a few days ago, the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is now officially up for pre-order online. The latest Samsung’s phablet (hey, the word is in the dictionary now), the leather-bound Note 3 will set customers back a cool $200 initially, with $21 monthly payments spanning across 24 months. Of course, you could always just scrounge up some change from your couch cushions and pay the full $704 straight up, but you’ll need to do a lot of digging.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Keep in mind that this is an actual honest to goodness pre-order, not some kind of generic signup page. This means you’ll be paying for the phone right now, while T-Mobile’s official release date for the Note 3 is currently set for Wednesday, October 2nd. Something tells me this is going to be one of their bigger releases, so you might want to get the jump ahead of time.

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 specs

  • Snapdragon 800 MSM8974 processor
  • 5.7-inch display Super AMOLED 1080p display
  • 3GB of RAM
  • 32GB internal storage (with micro SD card slot)
  • 3,200mAh battery
  • 13MP/2MP cameras (4K video recording)
  • NFC
  • WiFi Calling
  • Android 4.3 Jelly Bean
  • International frequency bands

For those looking for additional info on the Note 3, head on over to our Galaxy Note 3 forums where future owners like yourself are already sharing new Note 3 cases, talking about lack of 64GB option on Verizon, and even camera comparisons with the Samsung Galaxy S4. Good stuff.

[Samsung Galaxy Note 3 on T-Mobile]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Tmo sent me a push message about this. I was like “meh” after reading a dog fight featuring the LG G2. So I think I’ll wait on that.

    I also want to see if the HTC One Max will offer anything more than the HTC One. I’m falling in love with features right now.

    I think I need to watch a dogfight between the Note 3 and LG G2 before I can make my decision.

    1. yeah MEEEEEEEEH. The ultimate in apathy.. mEEEEEEEH.

  2. Just pre-ordered this badboy. Very excited to get this beast of a phone. I love my S4 but want a bigger screen. I’ll probably scoop up a Nexus 5 as well (because I love Pure Android), but this Note 3 is just too good to pass up. Samsung has been hitting it out of the park lately. I like how LG is trying to make a presence as well; keeping Sammy on their toes.

  3. Tempting, I’ll either get this or the Nexus 5 (hope the camera is good) … price wise nexus is just unbeatable… This is a beast of a device though…

  4. My god Samsung makes ugly phones.

    1. Your mom makes ugly babies.

      JK, you are beautiful.

      1. looks like a gray face to me

      2. Lmao..

    2. such a QQ comment

    3. Better looking than HTC

  5. Gotta wait to see what the nexus 5 will offer before I make any commitments.

    1. why? It’s going to be an underpowered G2 with a nexus logo and stock.

      1. Snapdragon 800 underpowered?

        1. Buy 2 Nexus 5’s instead of just one GN3…

  6. To reiterate, Samsung makes the ugliest phones of any manufacturer in existence. And touchwiz is the ugliest interface ever created. Samsung phones are just a hair above iPhone ONLY because somewhere, under all the doo doo they pile on, it’s Android. All this is of course my personal opinion. I only dropped it here because I always hope with each new device they change. But no. No they don’t. Still the world’s ugliest phones.

    1. HTC makes the ugliest phones. What are you smoking?

    2. This is easily fixable with a custom rom. I only care about hardware and this is where the Note 3 shines. Currently using a Note 1 with PAC 4.3 and it’s great, except for the 1gb Ram. That’s why I think 3Gb of ram in the note 3 is the best feature. I wonder if the full price option will come sim unlocked and also if it’s going to be easy to root/flash

    3. millions will disagree hue hue hue

    4. rotfl, ok

    5. You don’t have to agree with me. You like the way touchwiz looks? The physical home button? The square camera housing from 2009? Cool. But face it, they never change. They’re almost as bad as iPhone in that regard. All they do is change the shape of the corners back and forth.

      “This year let’s round the corners a little more. Then next year, we’ll square them off more again and claim innovation! And then vice a versa.”

  7. I’ve been trying to order this since yesterday morning. It keeps failing at checkout saying “your order can not be completed at this time”. Then when I try to start over, I can’t even get into the upgrade section again. I’m not the only one having problems. This is getting quite ridiculous T-Mobile.

    1. Amen! I have been trying to preorder since mid morning on the 18th. I have tried 2 computers and my iPad to do this and the site is just not ready for prime time. They have told me now to go to the store for preorder. Wish me luck!

  8. Why pre order it? Just wake up Oct. 2 and go get it. That’s what I’m doing and always has. LG G2 is only a 100 down don’t know what to do .

    1. Why preorder?

      – Release day delivery (and even sometimes early delivery)
      – deeper discounts on monthly bill through online ordering
      – loyalty department (YMMV) gave me free shipping + $10 monthly bill credit
      – Don’t charge your CC until it ships

      October 2nd is a Wednesday, few people can wake up and go get it. Plus given ridiculous Chicago tax it’s nice to save a few bucks and some time if I preorder.

      1. Well damn.. you just open my eyes bro And yes Chicago taxes sucks like dog sh#t.

    2. I have the G2 on Verizon after having the GS4, Note 2, and iPhone 5 as last 3 phones. The G2 is really really good, but I am wanting the screen size to be just a little bigger and the phone to be a little thinner – which is the Note 3. Only drawback for Note 3 are the hardware buttons. Frankly, the thickness of the LG G2 kind of bothers me after the GS4.

  9. No need to watch the dog fight, I had the note 2 and I looked it a lot but it is a big phone. I sold it and picked up the G2. this phone is just as good IMO. I sold my note 2 because of the lack of internal storage. it only had 16gb of which only 10 were available. Now they are releasing the Note 3 with 32gb but I can get that in a better form factor in the G2. I know the G2 doesn’t have an SD slot and that isn’t a concern for me. I use the cloud for my music and drop box for my movies.

    Plus the G2 is rooted and has custom recovery. Just waiting for the bootloader to be unlocked and when the Nexus 5 drops with kit kat I am sure this gone will have that rom due to the similarities.

  10. $200 down? How much with 2 yr contract?

    1. T-Mobile doesn’t require contracts anymore..it’s all month to month

      1. So if a customer wanted to opt out of paying for the phone month to month, they’re not able to do so?

        1. Are you asking about the month to month cell service or the month to month payment of the phone? Essentially you can leave T-Mobile at any time without having to pay an ETF. Since they are offering you an interest free loan on the cost of the device whereas you pay a monthly fee to pay that off, once you cancel service you have the remainder of the phone to pay off.

          1. Or you can buy your own T-Mobile phone (off of Craigslist or Ebay, etc) and activate it under their new plans and you still leave when you want, you’re not obligated to be under a year or two year contract.

          2. Month to month payment of the phone.

        2. You can either pay monthly installments for 2 years or pay it off for like $600~$700.
          However, if you ever want to leave T-Mobile before you paying off the phone in the next 2 years, you will need to pay the rest of the installment upfront.

          1. So T-Mobile is trying to have their cake and eat it too? They want to give customers the freedom of leaving them as a provider but not lose while doing it. Case in point, a customer can stay for 5 months, as an example, thereby leaving T-Mobile 19 months with no profit from that customer via monthly phone bill expenses. I guess I can appreciate the freedom but you’re still under some binding contract. If you don’ t pay T-Mobile the rest of the installment, I’m sure they will send the amount you owe them to a debt collector, who has every right to hustle you because of the installment agreement.

  11. I hope Google in the future releases a version of Nexus phone/tablet with a stylus. Stylus is the only thing keeping me attached to my N2 at the moment.

  12. It’s a shame T-Mobile only allows post-paid month-to-month accounts to pre-order. If you’re on pre-paid, you gotta wait until Oct 1st to buy it outright. “Hey T-Mobile! You’re leaving $$$ on the table”

  13. I’m going to smash my xperia z, claim it to insurance sell the new one on eBay buy gNote3 full price

    1. tmi, too much information, bro

      1. I’ll have to pay a deductible of $150 and pay off the phone still so I’ll call it even

        1. Oh, I understand your plan. I just don’t understand you reasoning for posting it when you know that there are elves (snitch trolls) in this forest.

  14. I want an apology from the author for this article.

  15. If i pre-order it and it comes out Oct. 2nd when will I get it? A week from then, yes, I am inpatient.

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