
Doctor Who’s TARDIS makes appearance on Google Maps, 360-degree tour available via Street View



Tardis Google Maps Street View

If there was any question that the brilliant men and women at Google were Dr. Who fans, look no further than definitely know how to have a good time. In between mapping out the 4 corners of the globe in painstaking detail, the Google Maps team still felt the need to throw in a little Easter egg for virtual globetrotters.

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Street View Inside Tardis

Jumping onto Police Telephone Box, Earl’s Court Rd, London, Greater London SW5 9RB, United Kingdom will give you a rare glimpse at, not only the outside of Doctor Who’s famous intergalactic “Police Telephone Box”, but thanks to Street View, fans can even take a 360-degree tour of the inside of the Tardis as well. Even though I’m not the biggest Doctor Who fan in the world (ducks), even I can appreciate something as geek-tastic as this. Google can be so lovable at times..

[Tardis on Google Maps]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. The link is broken. Just takes me to a local street view in the Maps Preview.

    1. Try manually searching “Police Telephone Box, Earl’s Court Rd, London, Greater London SW5 9RB, United Kingdom”

  2. I guess I’ll be “that guy”… It’s always Doctor Who, never Dr. Who.

    1. If you wouldn’t have been “that guy” I would have

    2. that’s because the show is doctor who? and the guy is just the doctor. The Doctor is better than The Dr.

  3. You guys are really good at posting news…a day or two after everyone else has

    1. No site picks up all the news the day it’s discovered. Just wanted to make sure nobody missed this one.

      1. Thank you sir. I would have missed this one if it wasn’t for you posting about it.

  4. Thanks Google……… now release key lime pie

    1. BTW I’m lovin the new mobile site. I’ve been waiting 4 years for this. stuck between the app or the website hahaha

      1. Glad you like it! It hasn’t “officially” rolled out yet (meaning it’s still in beta) but I think it’s a nice improvement for mobile :)

        1. I was wondering why I havent seen an article about it yet. btw the comments are kind of buggy and won’t let me reply. I’m not complaining, just letting you know

          1. Yeah, I tried voting, and that’s broken too. Reporting it back to our dev :)

  5. Tried to understand the hype about doctor who. After watching several episodes and nearly wanting to blow my head off because of it, I just couldn’t get into doctor who.

    1. It’s a British thing. British television shows are usually an acquired taste… except for BBC Sherlock Holmes. That’s awesome.

      1. i cant even follow that… the only BBC show i watch is top gear.

  6. Dr. Who is reTardis

    1. Dalek my balls

      1. Why don’t you both suck on my sonic screwdriver

  7. Doctor Who kicks ass! Love what Google have done! : D

  8. And this is why Google is beloved by its fans.

  9. Read the comments. They are more interesting than the street view IMO.

  10. I wish I could get into Dr who. I watched like 4 episodes and just couldn’t. It was so quirky and silly.

  11. YOU CANT SPELL T.A.R.D.I.S like “Tardis” ACK.

  12. EPIC!

  13. Glad to see Google is putting their resources into things that matter, instead of fixing their shitty mobile Maps app, which keeps getting worse with every update.

  14. Video is really good,

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  15. Google guys got lucky the Doctors happened to be there at that time, and nice enought to let them enter… ;) That’s luck!

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