
Here are the first 2 Moto X commercials along with Moto Maker walkthrough [VIDEOS]


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With many of you currently sharing your thoughts over the newly-announced Moto X (see our hands-on) you might be interested in how Motorola’s planning on advertising this thing. The company has uploaded the first two ads to its YouTube channel. Dubbed “Quick Draw,” the first ad shows off the device’s Quick Capture camera feature. With a flick of the wrist you can go from sleep to snapping a picture in just a couple of seconds.

“Always Ready” shows off the device’s Touchless Controls, with a tired bachelor asking Google Now to wake him up in 20 minutes and to remind him to buy more coffee, all without touching the phone. Straight forward. To the point. They work. Now you just have to decide if they are enough to convince you that this is the phone to buy later this month. Go ahead and watch the videos above and below.

UPDATE: Motorola has just uploaded their official walkthrough/tutorial for the upcoming Moto Maker site that’s going to be live in the coming days. Pretty neat how you can customize the phone down to the accent color, but we still think they should have added a tab for display resolution and processor. ;)

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

Don’t worry, Motorola Moto X Developer Edition is coming!

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  1. A catchphrase should be “pay more for less! You deserve it.”

    1. BOL.. Nice! I literally just busted out laughing when I read this.

  2. Designed by you (except for you Verizon customer, and not you Sprint customer, and especially not you, you frugal t-mobile customer)

  3. How much battery does the always listening feature use? I would love that, but I love my battery life more.

    1. Apparently they’re using a separate low power CPU for the always-on listening feature. I’m sure they’ve tested it a LONG time and wouldn’t release it if it killed battery life.

      Also, don’t forget that you can always turn off the always listening feature as well :)

      1. That’s really smart. I want my One to do that.

        1. I think the battery life if its really good could be the gamechanger. Also my screen with brightness off or low routinely uses between 30%-75% of my battery and a ton of that is checking everytime I get a push notification, we are finally getting the battery saving feature back that flip phone front displays provided. I wonder if they could take it a step further and keep the screen of or at least most of it while using the voice input/always on feature.

      2. It would make sense that listening would be activated at events, like the alarm ringing or a calendar notification, email arrival, etc. plus one minute. To get it to listen at other times, you’d need to wake the phone and manually press an icon/button.

        I wouldn’t get this phone just for that one feature, but I certainly do hope the listening feature comes to other devices relatively soon. Would this feature have to be integrated at the OS level, or could Llama or some other app wake Google Now* after events?

        * Is it really called “Google Now”? “Siri” has a name. Google’s voice feature just seems to be a component of the Google Now notification system with no name.

  4. Well, these “features” will be ported over to other Android devices especially when Google releases the source code and devs can just use a system dump to create Roms.

    1. I’m sure a system dump will allow the ROM to be ported to other devices. As far as “Google” releasing the source code? This is Motorola’s proprietary software and has nothing to do with El Googs. :P

      1. Ok, but didn’t they release some of it on the Play Store already? It can always be ported over from Motorola, I think? I know over at XDA, they are trying to port over HTC Sense to the Nexus 4.

  5. Okay, customizing the back AND accent colors is pretty damn cool. Damn, I’d have a hard time choosing the best color scheme…

    1. Black and red ftw!

  6. After reading the many rumors I had high hopes for this, mainly for pricing and a 32GB model for Sprint (the outdated specs didn’t even bother me because they were not too outdated for me to do everything I can do now on my HTC EVO 4G LTE) then was hugely disappointed then excited again after seeing the Always Ready commercial. But alas, with only a 16GB model available for Sprint coupled with no sd card slot is a major fail for my own personal needs so sadly I will not be buying this device. This is no doubt a mid-tier phone, I really can’t see how anyone else would thing otherwise, even if Motorola paid you think it was, but to have the phone priced the same as the GS4 and HTC One? Really? I guess having the phone assembled (not manufactured mind you) in the US does have it’s price.

  7. Customizable aesthetics is what launched Nokia to the forefront back during the early 2000’s. I can totally see the average consumer giving up the latest and greatest bleeding edge for the ability to customize their phone so much.

  8. MURICA!!!!

    1. Red. White. Blue. 5ever.

  9. PRO
    Customization options are awesome
    Battery life (to be confirmed)

    “Ok Google Now” … such a mouthful. Sounds even worse when repeated in a commercial.
    The camera shake just looks like a total gimmick. [Pro: don’t need to use it]

    Price + ON-contract
    Slow updates (and launching with 4.2.2)

    1. Customization is an AT&T exclusive for now, but will be available to Verizon (and more than likely all the other carriers) in the coming months.

    2. Outside chance I could be wrong but, the phrase (OK, Google Now) usually trends to be customizable. I know the hot word on my nexus is.

      1. Yes, I heard rumors pre-launch that the phrase was customizable. If true, that would be a good thing.

  10. Shake2Wake will be fully customisable and in a custom ROM within a month.

    1. and?

  11. Nice phone but with specs that were hot 2 years ago.

  12. I really can’t wait for this to come to Sprint. The features and customization look awesome. Wish it had a 4.85″ screen but I’m good with 4.7.

  13. I like the phone, but man, these are terrible commercials.

  14. And correct me if I’m wrong, but once you use the voice command, don’t you have to actually click the “set alarm” button in the Google Now card? Or have I been doing it wrong?

  15. Samsung would have nailed those commercials….

  16. Those ads are pretty good and that’s a good looking device

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