
Thinking with portals: Angry Birds Seasons “Abra-Ca-Bacon” update introduces fresh new gameplay mechanic


Angry Birds Seasons Abacadabra update

Angry Birds Seasons has just received a huge update in the Google Play Store and it’s arguably the biggest the franchise has seen since that whole Star Wars licensing thing. I got one work for y’all: PORTALS.

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Yes, just like the Valve favorite Portal and Portal 2, Angry birds is now thinking with portals in their Abra-ca-bacon update. Those of you already familiar with Portal, the new gameplay mechanic works much in the same way. Instead of sci-fi portals, Rovio is running with magic mirrors. Simply aim and shoot your bird through the mirror, and it’ll come out the other end of the portal with the corresponding color.

I know, I know. Many of you are sick of birds, pigs and their ongoing saga, but when Rovio actually does things to mix up the gameplay… I get sucked right back in. You can check out the trailer for the update down below, along with a link to the Google Play Store where you can download the Angry Birds Seasons’ Abra-ca-bacon update.

[Angry Birds Seasons on Google Play]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. If I only want to play those levels, do I have to complete anything else beforehand? (aka I just want to play Angry Portals)

    1. Yeah, you gotta beat the first 3 levels before you can play Abra-ca-bacon.

      Edit: I’m an idiot. Abra-ca-bacon is actually inside level 3. :p

      1. Are you sure? I downloaded it and was able to play those levels.
        All the worlds are open but individual levels are locked until you pass them.

        1. Actually, you’re totally right. It’s apart of Season 3. Thought that was only Halloween and Christmas.

          Now I can finally play it! Thanks, Scott! :D

          1. My work here is done. =]

  2. mmmmmmm…..bacon

    1. like Don responded I didn’t know that a single mom able to make $6533 in one month on the network.

    2. …— (Home more information)

  3. Hey, where can I download this game or update? I’ve got Angry Birds Seasons, but there’s no update available. Help me guys, my son will be dissapointed if I don’t geit it veryy soon :):)

  4. Ad harassment nuff said, i downloaded the app now i dont even want to open it, every 4~5 tries i get an ad

    1. Get avast and block the app with firewall. Since I started doing this, I rarely get adds anymore.

  5. I’ll play anything with portal mechanics

    1. So long as it’s not an obvious rip-off.

  6. Now kids go crazy over this thing yet again….

  7. I used to want Angry Birds dead, but now I only want them gone.


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