
NVIDIA details Tegra roadmap, introduces Logan and Parker mobile platforms


We’re live at NVIDIA’s GTC keynote and CEO Jen Hsun-Huang is dropping some knowledge about the future of the Tegra platform. He is giving us the first details on the mobile SoCs to follow Tegra 4, codenamed Logan and Parker.

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Logan, which is slated for a 2014 release, will feature NVIDIA’s Kepler GPU enhanced with CUDA, a parallel computing platform for GPU acceleration. The chipset will also feature OpenGL 4.3. Parker is targeted for a 2015 release and will feature the Denver CPU, Maxwell GPU, and FinFET.

For those of you following along with the superhero codenames associated with NVIDIA’s Tegra line, Logan and Parker refer to two characters from the Marvel universe. The names make up part of the real identities of Wolverine and Spiderman respectively.

We’re still gathering info as the keynote pushes ahead, so stay tuned for more info throughout the day.

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  1. Those code names are actually damn cool. I love the Marvell Universe and I own hundreds if not, a few thousand comics ranging from the 1960’s to some current issues from 2012. I think i am done buying comics though, I literally have entire room dedicated to all my collectibles. I cant wait to see what the SoC code named Parker has in store, sounds pretty damn powerful. I hope they name one Castle(Frank Castle a.k.a The Punisher)HA!

  2. Opengl 4.3? No “es”? That’s rather exciting!

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