Google expands Glass Explorer program, invites regular folk to try on a pair


After a successful developer event that saw the first non-Google employees getting their hands on Project Glass, the Android-powered eyewear is inching closer and closer to a final design every day. Now the tech giant is inviting regular folk like you and me to try our hand at scoring a pair of Google glasses.

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Today Google is expanding the Glass Explorer program to a group of lucky individuals to be selected by way of an online contest/application process utilizing Google+ or Twitter. To put your name in that hat, simply start a post with hashtag #ifihadglass and describe how you would use the futuristic headpiece in 50 words or less. Entrants can also include photos or a short video.

Google hasn’t begun shipping a pair of Project Glass glasses to all members of their Explorer program just yet, but it sure sounds like they are ready to make a big push to start creating some hype. Check out the original post on Google+ or the Glass homepage for more info.

[via Google+]

Kevin Krause
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  1. wait, so they are having a contest to see who they pick to pay them $1500 plus travel expenses????? I like google and all but with all that money they got couldn’t they give some of these out if they are going to be having a contest like drawing.

    1. They’ll probably just mail them to the winners.

      1. Fat chance. To be part of the exclusive club, I’m imagining the requisite initiation requires attendance at one of the three planned Glass ball-fluffing events as specified.

        Ergo, you’ll have to be in attendance at New York, San Francisco, or Los Angeles. I can’t imagine they’ll go back on that.

    2. Yeah. It’s basically a “Tell us you want to pay us to Beta our new product.” This isn’t a chance to contribute, this is a chance to pay your way into an exclusivity club.

  2. Please update the article to include the info on the glass page that if you are accepted you must pre-order a special model “glass explorer” at the cost of $1500 and are required to pick them up at one of the special three places that will be doing presentations.

    1. you could prob’s flip them for like….3k

      1. Not. Too high and someone could just buy in for $1500

        1. Not initially… only available for contest winners. Somebody who wants them bad enough and didn’t win the contest would purchase on the flip.

  3. “Regular folk” $1,500 plus time off work and travel expenses to one of three locales.

    Even if I had the business trying to justify that, my life is far too mundane to justify the expense. It’d be a waste.


  4. A joke

  5. #ifihadglass they’d call me Heisenberg


  6. Is Google a Kickstart company now?
    What a sham.
    Google is delirious from to many ads.

    1. True! Yet the Google drones continue to have nose in Google’s as$ hey I love android and Google but their just getting out of control. This glass won’t go far. I’m very curious how long until an average user is distracted and gets serious bodily damage in some way..

  7. #ifihadglass I’m in sales, in the snackfood industry I come in contact with 100s of people daily business,and customers could give much exposure to product ,plus show potential in work atmosphere

  8. Google Fail: Redirect from Google+ to Twitter. What was the point of G+ if you won’t even use it yourself? eh Goggle staff?????

  9. #ifihadglass. You need to test it with someone like myself. With 3 boys ages 7 & under, never do I get a break. Therefore this would be an opportunity to see just how functional it truly is & mostly durable. But I have to agree with the rest about the $ issue, the remaining requirements are just too much. Google, you have the money, plus no one with do this simply summed up in one word: recession. Nice try though.

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