Samsung shows off new features coming to the Galaxy S3 in Premium Suite Upgrade [VIDEO]


It was only a few days ago Samsung began rolling out the Android 4.1.2 update to the international Galaxy S3. As we told you guys a few days ago, there were a number of improvements coming along for the ride, all having to do with new features and apps inside TouchWiz.

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Samsung, who’s always been rather proud of their TouchWiz “enhancements” is calling it their Premium Suite Upgrade. They decided to upload a video to their YouTube channel highlighting the new features making their way to S3’s. If you have a Galaxy Note 2, there’s not much to see here, as these improvements already come out of the box on that device.

In video part 1 (of 2), we see firsthand features like Multi Window, Page Buddy, Contextual Menu, enhanced photo tagging, enhanced NFC capabilities, Reader Mode, and new Facebook ticker on the lockscreen. Second video will be coming soon, and we’ll let you know as soon as it’s uploaded. Of course, Samsung mentions availability of the Premium Suite Upgrade is subject to the carriers and region, which means if you’re here in the US, I wouldn’t expect it anytime soon.

[Samsung Tomorrow]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I don’t think it’ll be too long before we see this in North America.(EXCEPTION for VZW, of course).
    Why would they (SAMSUNG) put out this video demonstration if the release wasn’t imminent? Just wouldn’t make sense to alienate one of their most lucrative markets by doing so.

    1. Well, I’m sure Samsung has sent it off to carriers for testing. But, as we all know, these things take time. Hopefully not too long as there aren’t any major changes to the underlying OS, just a few app updates and additions.

  2. I heard that they are coming up with screen that would be unbreakable

  3. Looks like this video is 80% setting the options, and 20% actual features. Nonetheless, can’t wait for the update to roll out to Germany. Mostly anticipating the adjustable quick settings in the notification panel.

    1. I think the point of the video was to show the changes [overall] not just show off the features, like a commercial, which is why so much of it was dedicated to “how-to like” enabling of said features.

  4. the last one, reader, does the note 2 have this?.I can’t find it.

  5. I can’t tell you how badly I wanted this to be my next phone. I was sure it would have a different look to it – some straight lines, replace the big clunky ‘Home’ button & give those tired soft keys a nice new update – perhaps 4 of them just to freshen things up from the S1, S2, GN, GN2 [& the 5000 other galaxy family members].

    Oh well there’s always the S4 to look forward to.

    1. I just got my S3 a few months ago but I’ll probably upgrade to an S4 when it releases.

    2. the physical home button is terrible. It’s ridiculously slow, I use the back capacative button instead just because I can’t stand it. Other than that, the phone if fantastic.

      1. If it’s being slow to respond, then you probably have the svoice double press option turned on. That’s what causes the lag, because when you press it once, it waits to see if you press it again to load s voice. Once you turn it off, it’s a lot more responsive.

        1. Pro tip Bill! That makes a huge difference! Just goes to show, you don’t know what you don’t know :)

      2. Yea exactly that’s the only thing I wish they didn’t use. Get rid of the home button Samsung! I hate using it for multitasking

        1. Go into settings in S Voice, turn off double press home button to launch, makes the home button much more responsive.

      3. that issue is caused by s voice, i deactivated from my N2 and now it’s just as responsive as my Galaxy Nexus

  6. JB 4.1.1 has adjustable quick settings
    Only thing I see that I want in 4.1.2 is that multi window that’d be nice!
    S3 on Verizon running K1 JB 4.1.1 w/kinda crap mods
    So who really cares if Verizon is slow.
    Plus triangle away clears counter if you need to return the phone .

  7. Have to hand it to S3, they have got some very innovative features which sets them aside from HTC/Motorola/Sony. I remember the very early versions of touch wiz with the Galaxy S, it really fell short in front of the HTC skin, but now, Samsung are in a league of their own.

    1. but…. did you know iPhone has NOISE CANCELLATION?!??! The iPhone STILL HAS THE BEST FEATURES!

      hahaha!! apple shoulda looked up “Crystal talk” by motorola, which debuted almost a decade ago!

    2. Agreed but I still can’t stand the GS3’s touchwiz interface when Jelly Bean looks so nice. RAZR M at least closely resembles its elegance.

      1. Thats true. I liked my GS3 a lot, but i just switched to a Nexus 4 and ohmylord.
        I laugh in the face of touchwiz now lol.
        I think the problem with touchwiz (for me, at least) is that it reworks functions that didn’t need any reworking in the first place.
        And it adds features that are nifty, sometimes even legitimately convenient, but with the smoothness of stock jelly bean, im not missing them a bit.

  8. No much to see ?

  9. Even if they do take forever, some devs will probably port it.

  10. The GS3 is getting better and better as the updates roll out, it is getting harder to resist pulling the trigger on this one…I must resist….

  11. imma be pissed if any gs3 see multiview before my tmobile note 2.

    1. Well u know the int’l version has the enhancement right?

    2. T mobile Note 2 already got it via OTA. I’m telling you cuz I own one.

    3. I got a T mobile note 2 and no multiview, on it?

    4. I am using multiwindow on my international s3 on JB 4.1.2

      1. I hate tmobile right now.

  12. wowwwwww

  13. “There’s no much to see here.” Sorry but I’m always spotting mistakes in Phandroid articles :(

  14. tmobile version missing split screen options when holding down the back key on my note 2, unless I’m doing something wrong.

  15. Awesome! Can’t wait to see this on VZW. Oh wait….they lick the sweat off a dead man’s balls when it comes to timely updates.

  16. Is the gs3 going to get the 4.2 android update anytime soon? Also does know anyone know what that will exactly add? I know the google voice will be better and will the multiview windows thing also improve?

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