
ASUS treating the Transformer Pad 300 to another update, features camera improvements


ASUS has been on point with providing frequent software updates for the lineup of Android tablets to address bugs offer feature enhancements and improvements. They have yet another available for the Transformer Pad 300 available now. The update, which brings the Pad 300 to software version, is minor in the grand scheme of things, but provides new camera firmware offering improved performance when taking pictures and video. Photos should now appear more vibrant and audio, white balance, and auto-focus (as well as continuous auto-focus) have been tweaked.

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Other fixes offer improved Chrome browser stability and a WiFi connection that won’t disconnect when placing the tablet in standby mode. Performing a quick check for the update under the Settings/About menu should force the Transformer Pad to being downloading the new software.

[via AndroidPolice]

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  1. This is great, but just bring out the TF700! I want it, and now.

    1. My A700 is coming from Acer today, I had the TF300 but am sending it back, and I am not about to pay 600 bucks for the TF700. It is going to be late, hard to find and not really worth the price. A user in Switzerland over on XDA actually has one in hand, apparently they have them already there, anyway he’s not very impressed and the details sound really lousy for what is supposedly a premium tablet.

      1. I like Asus’s Motherboards, Routers and other tech, but lately their Tablets have failed in the QC, the user in Switzerland says the TF700 has a good amount of flex and give, and has a “cheap” plastic feel, wow, not a good thing for a premium tablet.

  2. Gods, why doesn’t Asus make more phones? The support they provide their tablets is nothing short of amazing.

  3. The update is version, not

  4. I couldn’t get rid of my TF300 fast enough. Was hoping the TF700 would be what I wanted in a premium tablet, I guess not.

    1. It’s a shame too, it seems Acer has beat them to the punch, and their QC has surpassed Asus’s as well. Maybe Asus is in a hurry to compete with the new iPad, but rushing things and screwing up delivery isn’t the way to win hearts. Asus produces such awesome products otherwise, I have no idea where their heads are on tablets lately though.

      1. I agree. Asus is the best at updates, I’ll give them that, and the specs they put in these tablets are amazing, but the constant browser crashes, unresponsive screens, and apps closing is not forgivable. They really need to work on their quality control. It’s too hit or miss now.

    2. I had the tf300 for about a week but returned it because the screen had a yellow tinge in the lower left corner. I ended up getting the Prime instead when i returned it and have been more than happy with it. The wifi doesn’t work as well as the tf300 but works good enough and the feel and “build quality” of the prime over the tf300 is more than makes up for the difference in asking price. I think the tf300 had better sound though.

  5. If they can improve the stability of Chrome even though it’s not their application I wonder if they can improve the performance too. Some sites such as are incredibly bad at scrolling in Chrome but perfectly fine with the stock browser and are fine in Chrome on my Nexus so I’m sticking with stock at the moment. Does anybody with any other kind of tablet have this issue or is it just the TF300? Would like to make use of the cloud features of Chrome but it’s a bit wasted without my tablet in the mix along with my phone and PC.

  6. I’ve had my TF300 for almost a month now, I have not experienced any app force closings, no browser crashes,etc. Every now and then I will experience a..delay I guess you could call it, but as soon as the window came up to either exit or wait, when I hit wait, everything would come right back, almost as if it hadn’t happened at all. I looked at the prime..for the extra $100 price tag, I really couldn’t justify the added expense, other than the metal case,maybe some additional software tweaks it wasn’t worth least for my needs. as a replacement for my

    I am perfectly content with what I currently have, that said, I don’t have a job to go to each and every day, mine is more for convenience and as a replacement for my ACER Aspire One netbook I gave our adopted daughter to use for college. With all the apps available, its not too hard to find one suitable for just about any needs I may have for the immediate future. My Epsom wireless printer and the Epsom app I found in the App store, I can sit in the comfort of my recliner and do whatever it is I need to do. With the add on Multi-Functional Docking Station, that Amazon has for $128.24 which arrived via UPS today..this is my new net book.

    Back when I was building computers ASUS was THE name to go to for motherboards, other parts and pieces I needed to make my build. SO..when I was looking for a replacement to my net book, then I find when was in Office Depot one day that ASUS had expanded into the tablet market..I was like..yea..gotta get yourself one Mark. Went home, did some homework, found that the ASUS tablets scored high marks..and its Android! Oh yea..couple days later went to Best Buy, handed the guy my saved up cash money for a new TF 300 T tablet pc. No regrets, now even after a month of not hard, but steady use, no issues to speak of. As far as updates, saw where I ad a software update, haven’t ad the time to sit down and go into the settings to see what it was. Any way, gonna see how well I’m gonna like this new multi-function docking station, so far, the size is about the same as my net book was, it is a bit touchy..but then again, I just attached it to my
    TF 300, its gonna take me a little bit to adjust to using a small keyboard again, wrote my comments using the detachable keyboard. TF 300, GOTTA love it, those that don’t find something you do like. Every one have a great weekend.

    Mark T

  7. And that’s the deciding factor that pushed me to choose Asus.

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