
Google Wallet Competitor ISIS Announces Availability and First Banking Partners


There’s a new kid on the block with mobile payment service ISIS just having been announced and showing off their upcoming mobile app at Mobile World Congress 2012. Partnerships with carriers such as T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon have all been confirmed, along with financial institutions like Chase, Capital One and Barclaycard who will all include their debit/credit/prepaid cards into the ISIS app. But let’s not forget Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, HTC, LG, Motorola, Samsung and Sony as just a few others who are also backing ISIS over competitor, Google Wallet.

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ISIS should be available sometime in mid-2012 in “test markets” which include the likes of Salt Lake City, Austin with a bigger, national rollout sometime next year. If you’re wondering where Sprint is in all of this, they’re one of the only US carriers who have made a commitment to Google’s NFC mobile payment service Google Wallet. Now that ISIS and Google Wallet are on the scene, hopefully we’ll start seeing more merchants using the new NFC standard. Because pulling out your phone to pay for something is way cooler than your chewed up, old wallet.

[Via GigaOM]


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. if i can pay without unlocking my phone and entering pin, i will use it. if not, swiping is faster. 

    1. You know good and well you’re already standing there using your phone :-P

      Plus if you can light up your phone with a ISIS shortcut (like the camera shortcut) then it is faster than digging out your wallet andyour card.  You have to put in a pin either way for debit.

      1. im a guy, my wallet is inside my back pocket and the card is in those card slot. also, if something not working right, people behind me might give me face for wasting their time.  

  2. As much as I like Google Wallet and wish it would take off, as long as there aren’t some sneaky fees with ISIS, I’ll use whichever supports my PNC debit and credit cards first.  

    1. Agreed. Much as I’d like to keep things all within Google, support is the key. ISIS seems to have all the support from manufacturers, etc that I’d need. Google wallet…not so much.

    2. how about fixing the gigantic security issues too?

      NFC is not even remotely secure.

      1. How secure is your current “debit or credit” card? Have you thought about that?

        1. This is hilarious. Why the hell are you asking me? Why don’t you go ask any third party you do a credit card transaction how securely they store your credit card.

          It’s a very small matter of what people do with the physical card that they can easily be mislead, but it’s a much bigger matter of “What does everyone else do with it”.

          If you think this improves with NFC, you are entirely delusional. While google will do their best to keep the information secure, it’s entirely trivial to break NFC security.

          1. Any new technology or any technology that has ever been invented in this world is prone to hacks, etc.

            Should this have prevented the computer to be invented? or the iPhone? No.

            Just like that, NFC surely has its security issues like anything else, but that doesn’t mean it’s not an amazing technology. It’s been used in the UK for year’s now where they have NFC chips built into your debit cards.

      2. Its more secure than using your credit cards or having cash in your wallet if you follow the easy process of locking your phone. If your phone is locked and as of couple days ago security update was issued then this is a lot more secure than using your card.

  3. SLC!! Better include all of Ogden

    1. And up to Logan! I’m not holding my breath though…

    2. Finally SLC gets something first. I just want to see the devices in places other than Sevs and mc Donalds. UTA is supposed to accept it as well. 

    3. It’s very possible you’ll see it up in Ogden. The salesmen came and talked with me today, my company has 9 locations accross the valley, and Ogden may be the next location. We plan on using ISIS, if they work nicely with our systems.

  4. i’ve used google wallet whenever possible and i just love. it just works flawlessly. i wish only more vendors would support it. 

  5.  Two things.
    1. I use the Prepaid card only with Google Wallet.
    2. If you wake up your phone, not unlock it, then you just have te enter the pin. 

    Wake up the phone right when you see the total and it’s fast.

  6. I won’t be surprise if they outsource the payment processing in China! No thank you

  7. Next fuckin year!?

  8. I like the idea but want to hear that my Credit Union supports it.   Sorry, but I swore off banks a long time ago.

  9. I smell a new monthly fee…..Why block google wallet if not? If so ….they can stick it!

  10. I have both Chase and Capital One. I want Google Wallet to be successful but not enough support yet. They have to be more aggressive with others jumping on board.

  11. I have a military credit union so they probably won’t be the first to use this. I’m still just a little bit unsure about this whole concept anyways

  12. Isis’ announcement about its partnership with the card issuers reveals why Google is leading the digital wallet field. Well, that and the fact that Isis hasn’t even launched its service yet and will not do so until July, if current schedule holds, while Google Wallet has been up and running since September of last year. Instead, Isis should be busy building relationships with its users, using the card issuers as nothing more than vendors. That is exactly what PayPal has been doing for so long now and is one of the reasons for its great success. For a more detailed analysis:

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