
T-Mobile’s White Samsung Galaxy S II Now Available Online for $230


Following news that the T-Mobile Galaxy S II would be getting a software upgrade to add WiFi calling, the white version of that very phone is  now available online (or through telesales and customer care). It’s a 4.5 inch Super AMOLED Plus gem with a 1.5GHz dual-core processor and HSPA+ radios. It can be yours for $230. [T-Mobile]

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Tmobile pushing a white GSII. Its a good phone but this phone really is what? almost a year old? Hard to justify this purchase for me. I am dying to upgrade and be done with my forgotten and now ditched(CM7) vibrant, but Im waiting for the Nexus. I hope it comes within a month.

    1. Almost a year old? I want to live on planet WTF like you. This phone is maybe 6 months old and only 2 months old in the US. You sir are very confused!

      1. This phone launched the very beginning of May which makes it almost 8 months old. Which the world “almost”, which can be a very ambiguous term, would apply to me. Either way I really don’t want to buy an 8th month old phone especially since it is the successor to my previously forgotten vibrant. Just because they launched it late in the US doesn’t make it any newer. If my use of the word almost confused you then I’m sorry but either way they announced this phone in February making it even older. 

        1. have you seen the tmobile version other then tmobile anywhere? if not is your answer then is not that old like you claimed.

          1. get back to me when your posts are coherent lol (no disrespect intended)

    2. How about you dont get back to us ever-
      We dont need any more a55holes like u on Phandroid.

      1. Calm down there sparky, tis just a phone. If your going to get all offended then there are forums full of trolls just waiting for an argument. you might like it there

  2. other then software and a slightly bigger screen i really don’t see any advantages of getting the nexus over the gs2. and besides by the tie the nexus comes out for all carriers, the gs2 will be running cm9 by then. 

  3. Apparently this one is online only, my girlfriend really wants it but $230? I’ve been seeing promotions for other carrier’s GS2 variants for much less.. I was hoping for the standard $199.. when I compared my Epic Touch with a T-Mobile GS2 last night I was surprised at how much thicker T-Mo’s felt. It was noticeable..

    1. its now 99 $ sat n sunday sale only

  4. i have the iPhone 4s white brand new w sticker on it locked to damn at&t anyone want to trade  for a white tmobile galaxy s2 ?

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