
ARM’s New DS-5 Tools Will Allow Android Developers to Achieve Even Better Application Performance


ARM is introducing a new tool for Android developers called the ARM Development Studio 5 community edition. It allows applications written in C and C++ to be optimized for ARM hardware (pretty much every chipset inside every Android device) even more than the Native Development Kit provided by Google allows.

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With this, developers can achieve up to 4 times better performance than they currently enjoy. While the NDK has proven to be good enough and has helped developers bring over many great applications, this tool can only help developers and users alike. Jump to the link ahead for the full press details. [ARM]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Now lets see if they take advantage of it.

  2. WOW awesome now I can actually debug worth a darn!

  3. I imagine this should reduce fragmentation since a lot of devs used the Tegra Development Kit which is specific to Tegra chips.

    ARM’s kit should bring standardization among all chips.

    1. yeah, and x86 based Android will be coming soon.  any form of development specific to unique hardware will create fragmentation.  Google needs to keep a tight grip on preventing this.

  4. If it makes my Android better I’m all for it.

  5. Hi

    I am interested, can you tell the details about the job?


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