
Best Buy Order Confirmation Shows Dec. 18th Release Date For ASUS Transformer Prime


It was barely a few hours ago that we told you of Gamestop’s expected launch date for the ASUS Transformer Prime (it’s since been changed to December 9th) and now we may have a new date — this time from Best Buy. The tip comes to us courtesy of one of our reader who jumped on the chance to pre-order 3 of the tablets once they were made available at Best Buy. The confirmation order (pictured above) he received is actually showing the Transformer Prime as launching December 18th for pre-orders.

While it’s a little over a week from the date Gamestop is showing on their site, I’m sure that seems like ages for anyone excited to get their hands on the best hardware Android has to offer. What do you guys think? Is this just Best Buy being hopeful? Could Gamestop really launch the Transformer Prime ahead of Best Buy? We’ll keep you updated.

Thanks, JacKaL!

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Bad marketing. Miss out on all the holiday shopping. Only target late shoppers?

  2. Gamestop has zero credibility. 

  3. On a sunday? Really? And a few days before xmas day after all presents have been bought.. The tf01is gettin more tempting come tomorrow midnight at 250

  4. It’s too bad that the Transformer Prime’s UNavailability is following the same pattern that the original did back in May (iirc). I couldn’t wait the extra month+ for the first Transformer to finally get in stock anywhere, so I bought the Galaxy Tab as a graduation gift instead. This time around it’s a bit worse, since they’re missing a big part of xmas sales, and instead of buying this as a gift for myself + kiddo, I’ll probably just wait for the impending crop of 1080p tablets.

  5. If the ICS tablet comes out before the ICS phone, I’m going to be very upset!

    Get it together US retailers! 

    1. Prime isn’t laughing with ICS

  6. This Galaxy Nexus and Transformer Prime wait is killing me. These are gonna be the best birthday + Christmas presents imma buy myself.

  7. The greatest Christmas gift I could have would be to see an ICS device released in the US before the Galaxy Nexus.

  8. its DECEMBER 5 in canada (futureshop)

  9. I think it would good that the tablet will be released at an earlier date for the holidays.

  10. My Amazon pre-order says it will arrive after Dec. 25.  I’m hoping that may not be true, but if there’s another Tegra 3 tablet with specs that I want that comes out in the meantime, I’ll be taking that instead.  Asus is really dropping the ball on this one.

  11. I asked ASUS North America on Facebook in one of their posts about the transformer and got a reply that it will be shipped before Christmas, when asked why there have been no release dates from anyone in ASUS, and the reply was that they didn’t know the exact release dates, so someone very high up is keeping release dates a secret for some reason. I can take a screen shot of that if you want, if I can find it again. :)

  12. I’m the original tipper for this.  Just checked my credit card and noticed that I was charged the full amount on 12/8/11, nearly 17 days after ordering…wohoo…looks like it’s coming…normally they dont charge until they ship….

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