
Motorola Triumph Gets Ice Cream Sandwich Build


While it is getting a bit superfluous to list every phone receiving an Ice Cream Sandwich ROM in the wake of the Android 4.0 AOSP source code release, we thought we’d mention one development triumph. The Motorola Triumph (pun make sense now?) has received an extremely early build of the latest Android OS courtesy of isaacj87 over at AndroidForums. He has made some progress, but isn’t quite ready to share his hard work with the general public.

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We can’t say whether or not the Triumph will get an official build of ICS, but it deserves one. While not the flashiest handset, the Triumph is quite the offering when paired with Virgin Mobile’s contract-free mobile plans. You can check in on the progress of this in-development ROM by following the source link below.

[via AndroidForums | Thanks, bing7625]

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  1. Where is the tmo gs2

    1. Devs are working on it but we are speaking about the Triumph here, go and ask in xda or in a sg2 forum, they should have the answer!

  2. If this comes out and fixes the terrible issues I’ve been having with the touch screen on the stock ROM I will be a happy camper who probably sticks with this phone.  It’s far from the best phone around but the things I miss from my Nexus One (such as a scrollball) aren’t on any other phones these days either, so.

    1. have you tried taking off the plastic? It requires a razor blade.

        1. Probably http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WodxmAlBzPI – looking closely at the screen now I can see the protector, and I don’t know how I could have missed it before.

          1. I missed it too I found out about it on youtube.

          2. Yep, anyway, I finally got around to taking it off and no, it made no difference with the problems I was having.

          3. I can say I removed the factory screen protector a while ago and it’s something about the phone’s capacitive hardware that isn’t great. I am running CM7 just fine but I also have trouble getting touch events recognized. You get what you pay for, I suppose. The phone is otherwise awesome, considering it costs me <$40 per month with VM.

      1. What plastic are you talking about?

        The issues I have with the touch screen aren’t the sorts of things that would be caused by an extraneous screen protector, in any case – it often drops events entirely or sees a tap as a slide or whatever.

  3. no one has this phone anyways. 

    1. As someone who owns this phone, I can assure you that this is not the case.

  4. There are more people out there with Moto Triumph than people realize. Checkout http://www.motorolatriumphhacks.com

  5. This phone has gotten so much hard work done on it in nearly 3-4 months with just couple of devs 2 main ones to.be exact getting ics on this is phone is great considering that it has not been out for as long.as other high end phones

  6. Ice Cream Sandwich is great… for me to poop on!!

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