Will PayPal Support Finally Grace Android Market with Latest Update?


There is no confirmation on the matter, but some digging into the APK of the recently leaked Android Market update could herald the arrival of PayPal payments for app purchases. Multiple references are made to the online payment service in the source code of the Android Market APK. PayPal as a payment option has been a frequent request from Android users and app developers alike. We’ll have to wait and see how it pans out. Google could simply be prepping the app for a feature that may not rollout for a bit longer.

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    that is all.

  2. Paypal is shit, who do they think they are?
    Closing my fucking account, assholes.

    1. Paypal sucks – I’ve been successfully boycotting them and eBay since 12/2008- Their policies makes it way too easy for Scammers to prosper 

    2. Just curious… why did they close your account?  I couldn’t imagine it was just random.  I would be lost without Paypal. 

  3. Nice. I would keep using google checkout even if paypal support finally reaches android though

  4. @ dario : why did they close it? 

    (this was supposed to be appear under his message, wasn’t it? i mean , i sent it with “reply”)

  5. “Will PayPal Support Finally to Grace Android Market with Latest Update?”
    Headlines write like Yoda you do.

    1. Best comment of the day

    2. This is common knowledge that proofreading is not needed on Phandroid. Funny comment though!

      1. “This is common knowledge that proofreading is not needed on Phandroid. ”

        Or anywhere on the internet. Not that we know anything about the internet since we’re constantly reloading phandroid every 5 seconds to catch the latest news. :)

  6. More options are always welcome, but as for me, indifferent fox is indifferent.

  7. “Most folks on Wall St. view eBay really as PayPal plus a marketplace …”
    An astute observation, but John Donahoe and Scott Thompson are simply delusional if they think that PreyPal can continue to underpin the faltering eBay Marketplace “house of cards” by becoming even a minor threat to the existing banks/Visa/MasterCard payments systems at traditional Point-of-Sale—the idea is pure science fiction. (“Beam me up Scotty!”)
    The real question is, when are the world’s various banking regulators going to finally do something about over-sighting this unethical, unprofessional, unregulated and clunky financial operator that offers unlicensed banking-type services and is, in effect, simply a money gouging arm of the Ho’s “eBafia”?
    Even though PreyPal clearly offers banking-type services (ie, holding users’ funds in non-prudentially regulated and non-FDIC insured banking-type accounts, etc), PreyPal is mostly registered in some places not as a bank nor as a provider of credit but only as a “money transmitter” (like Western Union), and indeed PreyPal itself has even claimed that they “are not a payment network”, and there is a grain of truth in that claim because most (but not all) of their activities facilitate the transmission of funds simply by riding on the back of the banks’ existing payments processing systems.
    In fact, the only thing creative about PreyPal has been their founding use of users’ unique email addresses as identifiers for online payment transactions. PreyPal is otherwise no more than a blood-sucking parasite riding on the back of, and in the main cannot function except via, Visa/MasterCard and the banks’ existing payments processing systems.
    Regardless, outside of PreyPal’s mandated use on whatever will ultimately be left of the Donahoe-stagnated* eBay Marketplace, PreyPal (and most other third-party payments processors) will eventually be consigned to the history books by the retail banks/Visa/MasterCard once those players get their “online” act together. There is nothing surer than the sun will rise in the morning.
    Both eBay and its ugly daughter PreyPal are most devious, unethical, unprofessional organisations: they both have become the most despised commercial entities on the planet—apparently, even more hated by many than “the banks”.  eBay, amongst many other things, has forever knowingly and criminally, facilitated shill bidding fraud on their trusting auction buyers. And what else can be said about PreyPal that a great many PreyPal merchants don’t already know, to their cost …
    Having said that, it’s possible that PreyPal can survive by becoming the merchant account provider “of last resort” for those very small or unscrupulous merchants unable to get a real merchant account from their own bank—Oh, hang on, hasn’t PreyPal always been just that, and charged all their users accordingly?
    * See http://eventhorizon1984.wordpress.com/2011/10/20/ebay-inc-2011-third-quarter-earnings-call-numbers-of-interest-to-small-business-sellers/
    PreyPal Claims that PreyPal Is Not a Payments Processor!
    eBay, a Knowing Criminal Facilitator of Auction Shill Bidding Fraud: Case Study #4: 
    And, from along the way, a compilation of (mostly inane) quotes from eBay executives:
    Enron / eBay / PayPal / Donahoe: Dead Men Walking.

    1. I’m amazed they stay in business. eBay is such a scam nowadays. Just people looking to rip you off for the most part.

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