
Leaked T-Mobile Roadmap Reveals Multiple Smartphone and Tablet Releases For The Holidays


A leaked T-Mobile roadmap found its way online today outing a plethora of Android smartphones and tablets headed for the #4 carrier in October and November. First off, you should keep in mind that the dates in this leak are tentative and should only be used as a general timeline of what to expect from T-Mobile in the coming weeks. Let’s get this party started!

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

There’s not too many surprises left in October with everything either being leaked or officially announced (HTC Amaze, Samsung Hercules). One item of notice is the 42Mbps 4G Huawei [Lil’] Wayne device for release on October 19th. This could be the Huawei Sonic we saw pass through the FCC back in July.

November is where things really start heating up, specifically on November 2nd where we see a handful of Android releases. T-Mobile’s leaked Mytouch devices are revealed as the LG Maxx Touch and LG Maxx QWERTY with a $130 price tag. We’d expect these devices to become official any day now with T-Mobile already uploading tutorial videos for the devices onto their YouTube page. More than likely we’re looking at a pair of mid-end Android devices.

LG is finally releasing the “Flip II,” a mysterious dual-screen slider we saw back in June. The device was heading to T-Mobile in the UK but now it looks like it will also see a US release. Another mid-end device judging by its $150 price sticker.

Rounding up the budget smartphones is the Samsung Ancora for a $100 and a budget Android tablet from Huawei called the Talisome(?). On November 9th we see the leaked Samsung Robin better known as the Galaxy Tab Plus, finally giving us the pricing on the Galaxy Tab revamp at $300.

While I wouldn’t say anything here could be considered jaw dropping, it does show us that T-Mobile is getting ready to flood this holiday season with a wide range of Android devices all across the board. Seeing how the leaked roadmap left off on November 9th, T-Mobile could still have something up their sleeves for the rest of the month. What do you guys think? Excited about what’s coming around the bend from ‘ol T-Mo or did these leaked devices leave you wanting more?

[Via TmoNews]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I would be excited if T-Mobile actually had 3G here in NW CA, I do have 3G from AT&T, Verizon and U.S. Cellular though, and Clear just turned up a 4G site in Ukiah. It’s that way in a lot of NorCal, 3G from the other guys, but more often than not GPRS or EDGE with T-Mobile, close, but no cigar.

  2. LOL Samsung “Arnold”. Is that an internal name or will they market it under that?

    1. Definitely internal. LOL

    2. Serious. That’s amazing. I hope they keep the name Arnold. What next? the Samsung Wilberforce?

      1. Samsung Butt Sore.

    1. Don’t wanna scare ya but — I’ve been hearing some buzz from T-Mobile employees that they may get passed up on the Nexus Prime. Not sure how reliable their sources are though o_O

      1. Well I’m not on T-Mobile but I was hoping that ALL the US carriers would get the Nexus Prime.

      2. That better not be true, or I am going to be a sad panda. :(

      3. I really hope thats not true. Wonder why. TMobile has always had some of the best Android devices out there. I am disappoint with this rumor! Way to ruin my morning!

  3. I really don’t get the point of that dual screen LG phone. They show off that you can “quick launch” apps through whatever you’ve placed in the bottom screen, but you can easily have the same effect through keyboard shortcuts, without killing the battery with a second screen.

  4. Chris, if Tmobile doesn’t get the prime then when do you think we will see a viable alterantive to the prime? (Dual Core, ice cream sandwich, 720p)

    1. I would think the Samsung Hercules..

      I mean, I don’t see why T-Mobile WOULDN’T get the Nexus Prime but who knows. Anything is possible at this point.

  5. T-mobile employees would be the last to know about a Nexus device. Google never releases to through t-Mobile. It’s always been Best Buy. Nexus phones have never been on a T-Mobile road map.

  6. Isent the iphone 5 comming out today, oh wait not for tmobile

  7. A lot of “4G” Android, sucks i’m going To VZW (Not Really)

  8. Becoming disillusioned with tmo. The only thing that would keep me with them is the next rumored nexus. I’m getting tired of all the crappy skins like touchpiss and sense. Talk me down boys, but i’m thinking about the iPhone or windows phone…

    1. Have fun with your iPhone 4s. ;) If you were a phanboy you’d be jumping off a bridge today.

  9. TMo can take their Galaxy Tab Plus “Robin” and shove it up their a$$!! I am an original GTab owner and they haven’t done ANY updates and it’s only 1 year old!

  10. What’s up with the Lil’ Wayne phone on the roadmap? Is it a phone? Will the Weezy be the official spokesperson reppin’ this product for T-mo? Will it provide T-mo street cred or will T-mo text “word” to our mothers? Will someone make it rain? We need more news! Damnit, Mr. Chavez, what’s going on?

  11. Love that Blackberry name “Dumoine”, take out the “i” and it’s Dum One! Thank god I’m not a Crackberry anymore :D

    1. dude thats the blackberry torch about time t-mo gets it.

  12. i got excited reading the name htc omega, and then saw it was a windows phone. :

  13. Socalrailroader, you constantly cry worse than a chic. Move to 4g area or switch carriers, girlie, lol!

  14. Windows…where are the Windows phones?

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