
DROID Bionic’s Imminent Custom Recovery Means Imminent ROMs Galore


The Motorola DROID Bionic has been out and has been making its way into the hands of the development community. It didn’t take long for them to get things going, though, as the device has been rooted.

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The next big step came yesterday where MyDroidWorld revealed they had a working custom recovery. Unfortunately they have not yet released the recovery but it shouldn’t be too long as the method for installation should be similar to the DROID 3. Be on the lookout here, at Androidforums.com or over at MyDroidWorld for the latest in rooting and ROMing. [Thanks yank!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Giddyup!

  2. This changes my impression of this phone. I can’t wait to see what the development community comes up with.

  3. Still could use that bootloader unlocked.

  4. I think I want one now. o.o

  5. Even without recovery (which I was certainly waiting for before rooting), there’s plenty you can do with it. SetCPU is great, deleting/freezing bloat is great, and once we get a fully working Clockwork, I’m sure ROMs will be on the way. But, definitely hoping this bootloader will be unlocked so I can futz with it as my as my OG.

  6. I blew through 1 gig of data in 5 days w.o tethering or hotspoting. Its s beast. 30 mbps.

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