
AT&T Announces the HTC Status, Complete with Facebook Page


In preparation for its launch later this summer on AT&T (and TELUS in Canada), HTC has gone live with an official Facebook page for their Facebook-ified phone, the HTC Status. You may known the Status by its other name, the HTC ChaCha, and what you get here is essentially the same phone with its dedicated Facebook share button and full QWERTY keyboard. The phone features Android 2.3 plus a version of HTC Sense outfitted with plenty of integration with the world’s hottest social networking site.

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What HTC and AT&T didn’t announce is the availability and pricing of the device, but that’s exactly why they are encouraging you to “like” their new Facebook page. They will be providing plenty more details as the launch of the handset draws closer.

[via Facebook]

Kevin Krause
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  1. How about this instead… Announce the Attain.

  2. a camera button would be much better than a facebook button.  

  3. I think the Facebook phone will be just as successful as the Kin. Prepare for a winner HTC you will probably only sell 5 of them.

  4. So… I really don’t get what this phone is all about. I mean, what’s the point of a having a phone that’s more into your Facebook? I mean, isn’t this phone doing the same thing the app is doing except it has a button that opens Facebook?

    I guess this is the type of phone for those friend collectors. LoL!! I’m still lost on what this phone is all about, but I guess so…

  5. I know this is an entry level type phone, but a 2.6″ screen?

  6. I think I would prefer a phone with a Google+ button.

    Please let them make one!

  7. This have yet to be the ugliest phone ever. SCREEN IS TOO SMALL to play games on. key board reminds me of the Black Berry Curve tight squeeze keyboard. And it won’t probably reach 2.3 Ginger Bread either. And worst of all it won’t sell plus it also have less memory

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