
Peggle Arrives as Amazon Appstore Exclusive Tomorrow, Free App of the Day


Following the Amazon Appstore’s exclusive launch of Chuzzle and Plants vs. Zombies, PopCap is continuing with that model for the launch of their latest Android offering, Peggle. The addictive puzzle game will touchdown as a free download for your Android phone starting tomorrow (Tuesday, June 21st). The free download period actually begins tonight at midnight pacific time and extends throughout the day, followed by a two-week exclusive availability in the Amazon Appstore. After a day of being priced for free, Peggle will sell for $2.99. You’ll excuse me if I find it a bit hard to put down my phone over the coming days.

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  1. I always liked Peggle. I have it on xbox live, and on two old dumbphones – an old Samsung Alias, and I forget what my son’s old dumbphone was. Nice to see it’ll finally make it’s way to Android after a few years.

  2. I guess I’m one of the few people who hasn’t ever heard of it. I’ll be sure to grab tonight at work none the less. I hope it fills my unrealistic puzzle expectations!

    1. No, I’m with you. I have no idea what this game is either. I hope it isn’t as disappointing as PvZ was. There was so much hype for that game and when I played it….   I thought, “Is this really it?!?”

      1. lol Guess you guys don’t know what a good game is.

        1. You sound like a used car salesman. Sorry, not buying what you’re selling. I’ll wait and have a look for myself.

        2. I downloaded, I played, I uninstalled. It really isn’t all it is hyped up to be.

  3. [moderated] AMAZON! I will never download your [moderated] appstore! Android Market or GT[m]O.

    1. Need a hug?

      1. No, more like a kick in the butt to knock some sense into him. 

    2. the amazon appStore is awesome…ive gotten pro versions of 5 different apps that i hav free versions of from the Android market….its the same apps dumdum. 

      1. for FREE i meant to say

  4. EDIT: Sorry…guess I just jumped the gun. My mistake, but hey, glad you were right! Peggle, hell yeah!

    Do you have a source? Did Popcap Games actually inform you that Peggle will be free tomorrow in the Amazon Appstore?

    Reason I ask is because according to their twitter account, they’ve replied to one person with, “@popalocke Peggle Android is actually set for release (in the U.S. first) in the very near future!” – And this was 7 hours ago. So either “very near future” means tonight at midnight PST, or you were misinformed.

    But hey, if you are right, HELL YEAH…let’s just hope you are!

    1. Got it straight from PopCap’s PR firm. And sure enough, it’s in the market. You just checked the market far too early when you posted this.

  5. What a great business model, make the game exclusive to America and ignore the rest of the world…Yeap, first class

    1. Yes… imagine that.  Launch it first in the worlds largest economy… first class business model indeed.

      1. Sure, give Americans a week where only they can buy it if it will make them feel more secure that they are the biggest thing in the universe, but after that you have to open it up or else you will piss off the rest of the world.

        PVZ was released what feels like a month ago on the Amazon store yet it still isn’t on the Android market so people in Europe/Australia can’t buy it. It turns people off buying their stuff in the future (I have lost all interest in PopCap now since they seem to want to treat me as a second rate customer just because I don’t live in America.

      2. I read a report a while ago citing Australia as having one of the highest adoption rates for new technologies in the world.

        Given the not-so-good state of the ‘world’s largest economy’, I would be opening up my business to other countries asap. Any ‘first class business model’ would tell you to try and spread the risk.

        On the flip side, Americans only seem to know how to consume so I guess selling to the American consumer market can’t be too risky!

  6. I still can’t see the game on the Amazon Appstore, am I missing something or is it not out yet? Coming out midnight on the coast?

    1. The new free app of the day comes out at 3:10am eastern time, or 12:10am on the west coast.

      1. So in about twenty minutes for us in the central time zone?

  7. I found it,but it isn’t listed as being free.

  8. Download isn’t supported on the Galaxy Tab 7. For some reason Amazon decided Peggle is incompatible with a tablet that is powerful enough to run Tegra games. 

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