
Rumored Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 Said to Have Exynos, But No Honeycomb


Rumor mills turn out delicious water, don’t they? This time, Samsung is said to be working on a successor the the original Galaxy Tab, which was a 7 inch tablet. The popular name for this new edition is the Galaxy Tab 7, of course, but you’ll be sad to know that, software wise, it won’t offer much of a jump over the original. Let’s take a quick look at the hardware specs:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
  • Exynos 1.2 GHz processor
  • 1Gb Ram
  • 2GB of ROM
  • 16GB of internal memory
  • Micro SD
  • Tab proprietary connector with USB Host capabilities (adapter)
  • 7 inch WSVGA
  • IPS technology for the display
  • Ability to call, video call and send sms
  • Touch Wiz 4.0 on Android 2.3.4

That all sounds sweet (especially that Exynos), but see that last line? No Honeycomb, though considering we don’t even know if this device is real yet, we won’t tear Samsung a new one. If it does turn out to be true, though, we’re hoping Samsung’s just waiting on that sweet Ice Cream Sandwich before stepping the little guy up to a proper tablet OS. [HDBlog.It via CrunchGear]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Exynos is the best processor available hands down. I’d rock anything that is sporting that beast of a chip.

    1. It all depends when it’s launching. If it’s very soon, then yes. If it’s in autumn, it won’t be the most powerful anymore by then.

      1. Autumn? Still will be the best. Look at what hummingbird did for over a year.
        Samsung makes the best CPU chips because they make them themselves.

  2. Personally, I love my lil’ Galaxy Tab, and Gingerbread works on the screen size. I’m totally willing to jump to this version of it down the line, but honestly, I don’t think I will, barring a jump to Ice Cream Sandwich.

  3. The Gingerbread doesn’t bother me as much as:
    “Tab *proprietary* connector with USB Host capabilities (adapter)”

    I avoid all things proprietary. We all know what other devices have a proprietary connector.

  4. The OS isn’t a terribly big issue, I run GB on my Nook Color and I hardly ever feel like I’m using a scaled-up phone OS. A lot of apps I have actually have different interfaces based on screen size. Not to mention Samsung’s Exynos processor is a beast.

  5.  “Ability to call, video call and send sms”  So this could be used as a PHONE?? Anywhere??

    1. Heck, I my age a 7 inch phone would come in handy!  

  6. I don’t think it would be sammys fault, I think it would be google’s if anyone’s. Though I can’t really blame them for trying to keep everything more controlled, maybe making it easier to develop. Unfortunately they chose the tegra 2, which is sh!t. And the exynos will still be the most powerful by august, September maybe not. 

  7. Ability to call – now that would be sweet!

  8. this tablet sounds perfect!!! it can replace my phone.

  9. This would rock more if it comes with Honeycomb 3.2 which is optimized just for 7″ screens

  10. Yours content is good, i ve gone through some other website that give more information about samsung galaxy tab,

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