
Sony Ericsson Doubling Android Portfolio, Note Upcoming Android Dominance


Jan Uddenfelt, CTO of Sony Ericsson, isn’t being shy about the prospects of Android growth. According to Unddenfelt, Android phone sales will go from 60 million in 2010 to 180 million in 2011 and over 400 million units by 2014. It makes sense that Sony Ericsson would follow the suggestions of their own analysis: in 2011 Sony Ericsson will release 8 Android Phones in contrast to the 4 they released in 2010.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

We’re happy to see Sony Ericsson doubling their Android portfolio and perhaps even happier that they’re bringing a new level of innovation to Android with the Xperia Play. Could we see even further innovation through the Android Open Accessory project or is this where Sony draws the line and attempts to monetize Android themselves, outside of the smartphone sector?

[Via Digitimes]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Awesome because I’ve always been a sony fanboy. I loved my K850i camera phone. Thing was more camera then phone and it included a real xenon flash. So I hope they bring that to android too, which looking at the Arc, isn’t too much of a leap.

  2. Unfortunately for SE, they have a long uphill battle to fight to get back into any sort of dominance. They’ve soured a bunch of their base years ago. Would be nice to see them clean up their act and become a major player though. Only problem is, in the US, they’re pretty much just the step child of AT&T.

  3. If Sony keeps their behavior up (unlockable bootloaders, also a thread on XDA telling you how to replace kernel lol) and follows up on their promises I could easily see my next phone being SE. I do hope they do come out with a xenon flash on their phones. I have it on the Milestone XT720 and it’s amazing – and I imagine Sony cameras tend to be better than Moto anyways…

  4. Make a dual-core phone with LTE and you’ve got a buy, SE.

  5. Talk all the talk. But I only see a few shiity phones came
    out from them.

  6. I just want my SE play on VZ to be launched soon :(

  7. arc, neo, pro, play, mini, mini pro… that leaves… walkman and cybershot? hopefully they’ll release another flagship but with dualcore…

  8. Sony needs to get with the program on cutting edge chips inside the phones, otherwise they’ll never benefit from the media/fans love that Samsung, HTC and even Motorola are getting.

    They need to release dual core phones like YESTERDAY, and hopefully they are already working hard on being among the first to use the quad core Tegra 3 in their phones by the end of the year. That’s exactly how LG started being considered a top player recently – by being the first with a dual core phone in early 2011. But something tells me we won’t even see dual core phones from SE until late this summer.

  9.  If they focused on a flagship phone that had industry leading hardware, and build quality that rivaled the best phones in the market, added the vanilla flavor of the latest Android, they’d then have a chance to compete with the other players.

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