
Sony Xperia Arc Coming Stateside This Summer


Having been announced for what seems like every country under the sun, it looks as if Sony’s uber sexy Xperia Arc may finally be hitting US shores this summer. When asked by a user on the Sony Ericsson Product Blog about the Arc’s US availability, Rikard Skogberg responded to the user by saying:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

I just got something from my US colleagues and the current plan is to have an “a”-variant available at retailers this summer. This version will be optimized for use in the US (GSM/UMTS). I’ll keep you posted as I get more details.

Although vague it does give us a general time frame and even hints at a possible AT&T or T-Mobile release.

With a 1Ghz second generation Snapdragon and Sony’s Reality Display technology, I think this handset will compliment any Android lineup for whichever US carrier it launches with.

[Via SE Product Blog ]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Who cares? A single core, 3g phone, how interesting!

    1. Not everyone needs a dual-core. It has an AMAZING camera and its super thin and sexy. Maybe it will have a good price too?
      The beauty of Android is there is a phone for everyone. Even photo junkies.

      1. I completely agree with you on that and if it comes to Verizon or ATT It will be my next phone hello amazing screen great proccesor and super thin and very sexy looks and don’t forget the unlockable bootloader :)

        1. Gaaaah! I almost forgot about that! =O

  2. Thanks for working so late Chris!

    1. No problemo! Time for dinner then Mortal Kombat!!! =D

      1. portal 2 for me! ^^

  3. Is the dancing Android coming with it? I hope so. :D

  4. Great eagerly waiting for this phone!!..

  5. Wonder why no Sprint or Tmobile love with the Xperia line. I expected a Galaxy S or Optimus One move from Sony with the Xperia Play aleast but i guess its going to stay with Verizon.

    1. Yeah, I kinda figured when we (Sprint) didn’t get the original Xperia, that we wouldn’t get this. =/

      1. Yea Sprint needs some more manufacturer’s support. With HTC locking down bootloaders and Samsung phone getting no good software support with carriers us phandroids need something else. Hopefully GS2 will have stock or quick software support. But i might just wait for quad core since its just around the corner.

        1. Not so sure about that.. dual cores have just started to come out. Time for quads hasn’t come yet.

          1. Im speaking primary about Tegra i forgot to say that. Theres already some talk about Mototola Targa being the 1st quad core phone so idk. But it better to wait in the end of the year to see what is actually is good.

  6. I love SE phones…Just waiting for news on the play

  7. I don’t know if I trust them… don’t know if I can wait! I’ve only had Sony Ericsson phones since 2005, but they are always outdated by the time they make it to the United States… I’ve wasted so much time patiently waiting for phones that never arrived :( So many other good choices are out there. They need to stop making US fans wait.

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