
Toshiba Tablet Coming Soon to Best Buy, Too


Earlier today Acer and Best Buy announced a pre-order for the Iconia Tab A500, but it looks like tablet shoppers will have another option shortly as well. A coming soon page has appeared on Best Buy’s site for the elusive Toshiba Tablet. It looks like what seemed to be a placeholder name will stick on this Android 3.0 tablet we first caught a glimpse of at this year’s CES. The spec sheet reads as any other 10.1-inch tablet featuring Honeycomb with an NVIDIA Tegra 2 processor, dual cameras, and 1280×800 16:10 display.

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No info is revealed regarding a specific price or date for the Toshiba Tablet, but if you were considering the Acer Iconia or a similar device you might want to hold off just a bit. Or at least give Toshiba’s offering the once over.

[via AndroidCentral]

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  1. I have a feeling I know what I will be getting on Black Friday late this year.

    1. A life?

      1. Well played

        1. Thank you sir :)

      2. Troll.

      3. I have to admit, I laughed. Good one!

  2. Toshiba needs to get a good price if they want this to sell well. Also, the silver thing around the camera is really ugly

  3. Having just replaced a Toshiba laptop after 4 years of devoted service, if i get any type of tablet this will be the one.

    1. Looking at all the andriod options, it is the best one IMO. USB port, micro usb port, regular SD slot SOLD!

  4. Yeah, I have a feeling with the number of these coming out, prices are going to come down, and there’s going to be one under every tree by Christmas.

  5. Nope. Bring on the Asus Eee Pad Transformer. I know that it was released on the 6th of this month, but we need to get a North American release date with pricing… NOW.

  6. Descent HW will still fail if nobody writes some good apps for honeycomb.

  7. My Xoom is going back to Best Buy Saturday. I like the features of the Toshiba much better.

  8. Toshiba is undervalued as a brand. They usually bring top specs at an affordable price. Ever own a Qosimo?

  9. It comes down to price and release date against transformer. Anyone know the weight on this?

  10. I find it ridiculous not to see any release dates for the Toshiba and Asus honeycomb tablets, is bestbuy trying to offload their ipads before making any annoucement?

  11. I can buy that one day android phone apps may catch up although fragmentation (everybody sees except google) and insecurity seems to stand in it’s way at the moment, but how long is it going to take up to catch up on tablet apps? If you ever have seen a regular app on a tablet, and compare it to an hd large screen app it’s ridiculous the gap in quality. Tablet optimized apps make the tablet a billion times better, and as long as prices are in the 800’s or lower for a smaller display, there will not be apps for tablets. The way tablet apps can take advantage of the extra screen space really makes it worth it. I’m sorry but an 350 dollar ipad 1 with 70k apps is definitely way more fun than no apps or badly done tablet apps on an android tablet. Please compare phone and tablet apps on an ipad before judging that position. It’s comparable to the number of cable channels available, why pay more for a cable package with much fewer channels, and bad quality channels at that?

  12. @Alex…..I agree with u and yes I do own the Toshiba Qosmio G45-AV690….check it out

  13. This is the one I have been holding out for. Full size USB and SD card slot.

  14. I can’t wait for that tablet to come out. ;)

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