
HTC EVO 3D Gets Its First Promo Video


Sprint is wasting no time getting people pumped up for their freshly announce HTC EVO 3D, the glasses-free 3D successor to the original HTC EVO 4G featuring a pretty big step-up in specs across the board. Dual-core processor, qHD dsiplay, and 3D video and image capture is just a bit of what to expect.Check out the new promo video that recently went live on Sprint’s YouTube page.

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[via YouTube]

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  1. OK…I am wet. A..a..a.. I can’t even type. I wants it, the precious it’s mine…

  2. Oh hell yea! Just give me a release date and a case with a kickstand

  3. @ everyone fuck you nigger bitch!

  4. this phone is beautiful. still happy with my mt4g, and by the time my 2 years are up, these 3D dual core beasts will have been perfected.

    i have always been about a year behind with tech advances. works out cheaper :)

    1. I was like that with game consoles starting with the Nintendo. I actually waited 2 years before I got the 360 and PS3.

  5. gob job phandroid team!!!! its good to see improvement to the comment system…

  6. Just when verizon users were excited by the Thunderbolt

  7. @ari_free – we’re still excited about the thunderbolt. This looks like a nice phone and I am not a Sprint “basher”, but Sprint is not on the same level as Verizon.

    1. Yes, my Sprint bill is definitely on a lower level.

      1. lol

        1. Bwahahaha… ahh so true.

      2. LMAO

      3. Like your 4G coverage? :)

    2. It doesn’t matter if they aren’t on the same “level” as Verizon. Those of us on sprint love our service and appreciate the fact that Google and phone manufacturers have decided to give sprint more love now with their phones. People love to bash and hate on sprint but I have absolutely no problem with their service. The complainers are always the verizon / att customers who used to have the sprint service from ’85 that sucked.

      1. Well I am trying sprint now since tmo got bought out I thought id try it out and sprint service sucks 4g is never there it searches finds then its gone if you move phone I would love to stick around and get this phone but if pandora doesn’t stream without freezing three or four times a song its useless to me t-mobile signal was way better and just as fast or faster some placea

    3. My good sir, let me introduce you to the “reply” button at the bottom right of each comment.

  8. HTC dose it again .

  9. How come there’s no post about the HTC case with kick stand ???

  10. I really like this phone and promo video

  11. Whats that big thing on the back of the phone? That jabs out? Looks ugly.

    1. Dual cameras for 3D.

  12. Why are people hype about this 3D gimmick ? Processors are not Tegra and it looks exactly like the last 5, 6 htc phones, where’s creativity ? Instead of getting this phone I’ll get that Samsung 8.9 tables which is nice. Maybe next year I’ll upgrade my Evo 4G for a Tegra 3 maybe Tegra 4 phone that doesn’t look exactly like my Evo…lets hope !!!

    1. The tegra 2 sucks it got owned by the A5, TI Omap 4 will tegra, snapdragons will be powersavers. But tegra 2 can’t even play 1080p

  13. and I should buy this over the LG’s 3D because?

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