
What’s The Best Groupon Deal You’ve Ever Got?


I’ve had Groupon downloaded for several months but have yet to pull the trigger on any offers. The one that got away? I’m currently in Hawaii and last month I passed up a Half Price Honolulu Helicopter Tour that I would have definitely put to good use.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

For all you Grouponers out there – chime in with the following:

  • Best deal you’ve got and used (and the city)
  • Best deal you regret passing up (and the city)
  • Tips and tricks for fellow grouponers

In related Groupon news, President and COO of the company took a Groupon offer called “immediately stepping down from your job”. Reasons for the decision are absent and considering Groupon’s rise to success and possible IPO, I agree with Kara Swisher in saying the sudden move seems bizarre at best. But who knows… maybe the brother just wanted to cash in his chips and enjoy the rest of life.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. I like LivingSocial.
    They were selling $20 Amazon Gift cards for $10.

    Thats the only thing I have actually bought, I think those sites are annoying.

  2. Used to be good, but lately Groupon is nothing but spa treatments and laser hair removal. For my city anyway. :/

  3. @Austin LOL, yeah, I get a lot of those useless promotion items too.

    @Rob You’re making us all jealous by telling us you’re in Hawaii…on purpose!

  4. Oh, and to answer Rob’s question, my best groupon was half off zoo membership

  5. I saved $2 buy getting 3 redbox rentals for $1!!!! Shortly afterwards, I deleted the app, because I’m not a spa/salon type of guy.

  6. I scored a Nook Color for half price thanks to the Barnes & Noble giftcard fiasco ;-)

  7. What does this have to do with Android?

  8. None, really… the only one that I ever used was a $20 for a $40 FTD credit a few days before Valentines… other than that, they’re pretty much garbage.

  9. $20 for $40 at Alewife (bar in downtown Baltimore). That was a fun night.

  10. I’ve never bought anything from Groupon until yesterday. I look at the page and nothing appeals to me. Yesterday they had Chicago Fire tickets half off plus free beer from miller. For thirty bucks I figured id go see my first ever MLS game. Booyaa

  11. Buy 1 get 1 free Fandango ticket through living social. If you got 3 other people to buy it then yours would be free too. I think over a million people ended up getting that one. One of the best I’ve seen so far.

  12. The dozen cupcakes for $12 was decent, and the $20 for $40 at the local Lebanese place was pretty good, but I have to go with the the $20 worth of Barnes & Noble gift cards for $10. That was greatness.

  13. Robbizilla,

    Lesbian place? Would love to check that deal out. Love lesbians!

  14. Half off tickets to a natural sprint mineral spa. It’s something the wife and I have been meaning to try out but never did as we couldn’t justify the price. Now we get to try it out a price we are willing to “waste.”

  15. Got 2 for 1 “Body Worlds” tickets..both for 25 bones! Instead of 50 bucks only 25 ftw! If ya don’t know what Body Worlds is then Googles it on the interwebz peeps ;) Loves me some Groupon.

  16. La Bou half off gift cards. There was a limit if 3 25 dollars cards and I used them all already.

  17. @jpppp

  18. @jpppp I take offence to that I’m Lebanese. And @rob you know what food is good only certain places can cook good Lebanese food

  19. Well, looks like GroupOn must have sponsored this advertisement!

  20. I had for 5 months. there aren’t any good deals in philly, so i finally uninstalled it 2 weeks ago. they should sold to google while they were worth something.

  21. $29 for a $99 car maintainence package.

  22. $65 for an interior and exterior + paint sealant car detailing package, regularly $150. Also a lot of the restaurant ones are great. You spend $10 and get $25 off of your meal, or $15 for $30, $25 for 50, etc., they vary. Great deals for taking out the lady for a nice dinner. Get to go to some nice restaurants and end up paying $15 to $20 for a meal that normally costs $30, $50+! And always tip based on the gross total, not the net total that factors in the discount. Yeah, there are always going to be some deals that may not fit you, but there’s always some that do fit you and your desires as well. Just have to keep a lookout for them. I get the email every day and check it out on my drive to work. The main deal is on the front page and other good deals are on the right side, I never knew that until a couple months ago.

  23. FYI my city is Chicago. And most of the time, those restaurant coupons do indeed include alcohol :)

  24. 1/2 off a skydive up in Kenosha.. Chicago area Groupon.
    Seems counter intuitive, a heavily discounted jump out of a plane….but I am here!

  25. $10 for a $20 Gift Card Toward Kids’ Bouncing and Fun at Jumpin’ Joey’s
    Springfield, MO

    You can buy a 1 month pass good for 2 adults and 2 children for $25, that makes this a great deal, if you have kids.

  26. @Rob: Hope you’re enjoying our windy weather right now! Same w/ mitch…Living Social deal for Amazon GC. Check out while you’re here…in case you’ll still be here when the deal closes and the vouchers can be used. Aloha!

  27. $50 worth of cafepress for $25… that’s two shirts for one broken down.

  28. 75 dollars worth of wine for 25 dollars from i think…. the site was called wine insiders if i remember correctly…

  29. Richard Yarrel’s mom for $5. Granted, she was in a wheel chair, and Richard wouldn’t help wheel her out to dinner at Taco Bell, but we had a fun time. Richard did hold her wheelchair in place while I fucked her mouth. She can gum the fuck out of a blow job. Thanks Richie!!!


  30. $5 hummus and pitas served by Lebanese Lesbians off their hairy arm pits, while they were sitting on a freshly shaven pig.

    It was hot and steamy. I love Lebanese Lesbians. They are sooo giving and love to pork.. and sit on pork. Just plain hot.

  31. @camel dick
    The fact that that wasn’t even remotely humorous or clever makes you look like such a douchebag

  32. I got a Groupon from a friend of mine for Cafe BounGiorno in Pittsburgh, PA and it was for $25…we got 2 great Chicken salads for pretty much, well….free!!!

  33. bought 25 b&n $10 for $20 giftcards. bought 2 nook colors and resold them, $230 profit.

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