
Netflix for Android APK Leaked


What do we have here? One of the most sought-after applications that has yet to be released? Someone has gotten their hands on this .APK file that seems to install Netflix for Android. Don’t rejoice yet, though: most folks can’t get the app to actually stream any video, including yours truly. I can at least manage my queue, though, which is decent I suppose. (Running a stock Samsung Epic 4G on 2.2, by the way.) You can grab the .APK file here and try it for yourself. [via Android Police]

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  1. Ahh, the Crazies. good movie that was

  2. I get the error “Sorry we could not reach the Netflix service. Please try again later. If the problem persists please visit (1005) This is from a droid incredible with root. I was able to log in and see my account, this error was just when I tried to watch something.

  3. Not working on my rooted EVO 4G. Dangnabit

  4. Couln’t get sdtreaming either, but at least it is a very good queue manager.

  5. I guess I should clarify. It works on my EVO 4G, but does not stream video.

  6. OK Crazies was one of the FEW movies I liked from netflix.

    But Android has to have everything that everyone wants so I’m happy it’s coming.

  7. The original post from AndroidSpin includes the whole system dump might help to further reference problems.

  8. Hrmm with the latest android trojan crap, I think I’ll pass on installing anything that isn’t “official” for a while.

  9. Well, it seems to work well as a queue manager, but streaming is a no-go on my Droid X. Hopefully someone can get this running on any phone.

  10. I bet they’ll get it working after the lg revolution is released. I have faith in the developers. can’t wait to watch netflix on my galaxy tab

  11. When is THC: Full Sequence due out?

  12. Had the option to resume a movie did not stream over wifi though

  13. Doesnt work on the Xoom.

  14. An added thought: since the lg revolution will be the first to stream netflix because of the drm requirements in the processor (correct me if im wrong), maybe it’ll work on the thunderbolt with the same processor. One can hope right?

  15. This will be on the new Htc Evo 2 as an application on launch at CTIA March 22nd Sprint will enlighten all there customers on this day…Plus the Htc Evo 2 will be a dualcore MSM8660 processor 1.2 ghz

  16. dumb

  17. oohhhh….this needs to release officially before 4/16

  18. It works on my iPad!!! Ha ha

  19. yeah, it does everything except play anything. Mine doesn’t give me an error message at all. i’m excited to see this get going though!

  20. No luck on HD2 running Gingerbread, this is one app I really miss from running WP7. Hope they get it squared away soon

  21. Not loading videos on the Archos 70, but has someone tested this by changing their file to reflect the device that this app was ripped from? :)

  22. Just looked at my devices on after I signed in to the app. It says “Android Mobile (Obsolete)”.

    Interesting. I still think it’s dumb you can’t manage your dvd queue with their mobile apps.

  23. @droiddoesn’t: LOL! ouch!

  24. How is this legal to distribute? I would be very careful linking something such as this.

  25. Installs, logs in, manage queue, and tries to play but get 1005 error like others before me.

    Nexus One 2.3.3

    Awesome find! Thanks for the share!

  26. Netflix plus Qualcomm equals…Htc Evo 2

  27. @Richard

    Where did you read this?

    The app won’t work because the Netflix app asks the processor (newer Qualcomm Snapdragons for now) for specific keys because of DRM rules before the app will actually stream anything. Until someone hacks this app to think the keys are working, the streaming portion of the app won’t work at all.

  28. excuse me. It’s Qualcomm Scorpian chips

  29. speaking about crazy…you’d have to be pretty crazy to dload an untested leaked APK from a .cr domain

  30. It’s clean, but I can confirm it doesn’t stream.

  31. Can’t wait to try this on my Thunderbolt this weekend!

  32. And THAT is why Netflix will not do it anyway ;)

  33. @DroidDoesnt – Your iDevice will also give away your entire address book to any website that asks for it. Thats something else Droid doesn’t.

  34. Looks like it won’t let me log in. I wish Netflix would just cut the crap and use Flash or build in their own DRM.

  35. NetFlix claims no streaming for most Android devices because no DRM in hardware. Why then can I buy a white-box PC, install a hacked copy of XP, and stream away.. Their argument is absolutely bogus.

  36. Installs, but when logging in, it just force closes. Too bad. :(

  37. @Storm – doesn’t matter….I don’t keep my addresses on my iPad anyway….they’re on my phone. But with Google removing (after the fact, I might add) over 50 malicious apps from the Android Market, do you honestly wanna go there????

  38. No streaming on Droid X. :(

  39. Never thought I’d say this but fragmentation of both software and hardware will kill android. I was an early adopter of the OS and its open philosophy and currently have a droid incredible that will not stream netflix. Even my sons ipod can. I don’t want to spend my time trying to make things work, I just want them to work. I hate apple but my next phone will be an iphone.

  40. And my next tablet will be an ipad.

  41. @Storm – Sure. Let’s go there. The open market allows for innovation that users benefit from in ways you wouldn’t understand. When I want an app it’s out there.

    With such flexibility there’s bound to be trouble. Google – by being able to remove malicious apps remotely – saw the potential for trouble built tools in to minimize the risk for users. I’ll never have need for “antivirus” on my phone and developers will never have an app in limbo for some unknown reason. When given the choice between freedom and security I’ll take freedom.

  42. I watch Netflix on my DX using PlayOn. Works like a charm.

    Also, for you Trekkies out there, has a sweet app for watching full Trek episodes. Oh yeah.

  43. Looks like I have the same on my Atrix. App loads, no errors, but will not stream.

  44. I already have a great netflix queue manager, thank you. It’s one of the only good apps that uses Adobe Air.

  45. Why is the first comment talking like yoda?

  46. Works as a que manage on Xoom….no streaming though.

  47. Just get play on. July and netflix

  48. Wow… Open forum? Why were my two posts deleted. Were they not pro-android enough.

  49. You’d think that it would work on Qualcomm devices. I have the same processor in my phone than what is seen on every single WP7 phone. I am sure somebody will figure out a hack to get it working. All high end Android devices which use Qualcomm chips should meet their standards right?

  50. Is streaming on Netflix really that important? I have Netflix but I never stream. All the movies on there suck.

  51. Wow, what an ugly app.

  52. @Ace Curry
    Streaming on Netflix is pretty important for tablets, not so much for phones. I only use Netflix for streaming. RedBox is a better solution for me as far as new releases are concerned.
    I’m personally more interested in a working Amazon VOD client for Android, since that’s where I get my Doctor Who fix from.

  53. I have playon and stream netflix just fine over 3G. Once it gets going there is no lag, I even streamed in the basement of my company with less than perfect 3g coverage. Sure it costs $20 a year but its worth it. I can stream Hulu and more.

  54. I have netflix on my Vizio TV with VIA apps. I wanted to give it a chance because it was one of the special features. But I just gave up because the movies sucked so much. Latest releases: K-9? Come on.

  55. Installs fine, works fine, no streaming though. Stock MyTouch 4G. Also why can’t these Netflix Apps ever let you edit your regular DVD/Blu-ray queue?

  56. Wont stream on my xoom, and my atrix won’t let me install the apk completely. Where the hell can you change the settings for unknown sources on the atrix?

  57. Didn’t work on my rooted Droid Pro. No error message, just didn’t work.

  58. Apk installs fine, and I can see my queue (also “Home”, “Genres”. & “Search”). Queue displayed appears to be the Watch Instantly queue. Gives option to play, and appears to try to load, then goes back to queue (does not load). Droid X (not rooted).

  59. @fedup What are you talking about? Your two posts are right there.

    That so-called fragmentation on android devices is no worse than what you have on the PC side of things. Lazy developpers are just using this as an excuse for the delay in adopting the platform. If you can stream Netflix on any PC without any specific DRM (where most of the movie ripping is bound to occur) why would the Android platform be too insecure?

    It sounds more like exclusivity deals being signed behind closed doors and excuses made afterward to justify their inaction.

  60. When i look in my netflix account settings and manage my netflix ready devices i see “Android Mobile (Obsolete)” for my DroidX. Just some more info :) Maybe someone else can glean some magical cure from that.

  61. For those of you with flash on your phones there is an awesome app called TV Shows Stream on the market that streams tv shows directly to your phone. I’m currently watching the first season of The Shield on my Evo. It doesn’t have movies like Netflix but it is a great alternative.

  62. You can do the same thing with PhoneFlicks. Until you can stream movies, Netflix is a failure on Android. Why it’s taken so long for them to get a working app on Android is a complete mystery.

  63. This is at least a glimmer of hope for the Xoom as MOTO just confirmed the release of the WIFI-only version this month. Maybe they will do a big netflix/xoom release to reinvigorate the sales of the tablets. But then again why would they wait considering the glut of other android devices out there? I really want to buy the Xoom, but not having something as fundamental as netflix on a media tablet would really make it hard for me to turn a blind eye to the otherwise inferior ipad2.

  64. This sucks. I have Netflix on my TV, laptop, iPod, Xbox 360 and PS3 and still can’t get it on Android.

    WTF do we have to do to get a feasible netflix app to stream on Android. It shouldn’t be this damn tedious.

  65. Also if you’re an Amazon Prime member, you can stream movies from your phone. Most of them older movies but it’s still an alternative.

  66. So, I ran by Best Buy and they had just gotten the Thunderbolt in. I was able to put the Netflix file on it and it wouldn’t work. The same 1005 error would pop up.

  67. The Pirate Bay is my DVR and Rock divx player from applanet is the player I use to watch avi’s on my Droid X. TV Shows Stream works fine too. Even on 3G. The only reason I keep Netflix is so my sister can use my account for free. Up your’s Netflix.

  68. We’re looking at the APK now. Seems that logcat is showing it crashes when it tries to stream as it might be looking for some DRM stuff. Dumped the entire LG ROM and found some DRM files in there. Someone will get this to work soon enough…let’s hope :)

  69. ILL BELIEVE when I see it Netflix. Just got my Atrix n still waiting for my movies to stream on my phone.

  70. @Zomby. Yes they are there now, but they had disappeared for a while. I actually agree with you that the problem lies with back door deals that have nothing to do with the integrity of the os. But in the end I still am unable to do certain things even though my device is far from obsolete.

  71. You can, however, stream Netflix seamlessly with the new PlayOn app. I’ve used PlayOn with my playstation for months, but with the Android app I can stream Netflix to my phone from anywhere in the world.

  72. “sorry we could not reach the netflix service…”
    doesn’t work

  73. I thought netflix made it1 perfectly clear that only the snap dragon processors would be supported initially….?

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