
Samsung Galaxy Pro Official, Heading for Three UK First [Samsung BlackJack Revived]


Here’s that Samsung BlackJack remake we’ve all been waiting for. Rumors began swirling late Sunday night about a new Samsung phone with an exposed landscape hardware QWERTY keyboard. Just moments later, official images were found by Samsung Hub and Three UK published a new promo video for the phone to YouTube – that officially makes them the first carrier to offer it. It’ll have a 2.8-inch capacitive touchscreen, an 800MHz processor, a 3 megapixel camera, and will likely launch with Android 2.2 on board. Take a look at the video below for a closer look. [Samsung Hub]

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

PS: This comes just as we’ve learned Three will be offering all you can eat plans for PAYG customers. Sweet! Couldn’t be a more perfect situation for BlackBerry converts. [EuroDroid]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Any word on pricing?

  2. Kind of low specs. Hopefully the price will be equally low.

  3. I used to love hardware buttons and keyboards. This I find kind of ugly. I guess Android has made me fall in love with simplicity.

  4. wtf -_-” still no Galaxy Q?!?!?!?!?!? rly…..

    froyo + 800mhz zzzzzzzz -,-“

  5. if Samsung was really smart, they’d do their own ‘xperia play’ with exynos or tegra 2 and the s-amoled+ screen.

  6. that keyboard doesn’t look very comfortable.

  7. Motorola had a decent keyboard with the droid pro…
    it can be done.. this looks kinda… half assed

  8. I hope it has low price too :D

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