
Honeycomb Logo? Why of Course


So the one thing none of us have discussed throughout this madness: just what in the hell is going to represent Honeycomb? We’d imagine an actual honeycomb, of course, but Google hasn’t said anything about it. We don’t even get an oversized lawn ornament for this version of Android.

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But images found within the SDK image of the Android 3.0 preview show Google’s Honeycomb “logo”: a blue bumblebee. It’s pretty damn awesome and I hope to see many wallpapers with it as the main subject. But we can’t break the cycle, Google – this thing needs to go onto the front lawn of building 44. It needs to be there now. This just doesn’t feel right. Please make it happen. [Thanks, Russell!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I like it

  2. And here I thought the logo was going to be a bowl of cereal. Silly me.

  3. It does look good. Typically though, the little statue goes up a couple of weeks before the launch of the new version of the operating system. Engadget today claimed that the Xoom will be launching at the end of February, so we’re not quite there yet.

  4. Calm down, all the other lawn ornaments were installed after the versions were finished. Honeycomb isn’t even done yet. I’m sure they’ll put one there when it’s done right before the first device is released.

  5. Ah, that is true. I was going based on Gingerbread as they put it out on the lawn around the same time the SDK was released.

  6. I think that is a really cool logo for Android 3.0 Honeycomb! It looks far cooler than a mass of yellow hexagons could ever have looked. I’m sure there will be wallpapers (live or otherwise) incorporating that logo very soon from the dev community.

  7. Its so cute! I love all the versatility of the little android man!

  8. Looks as if Google is using a Cyanogenmod version of a honeycomb in that picture

  9. i love how you can see the original android hidden in it, as well as the bee. very awesome logo!

  10. It really cool!

    Also looking forward to using Honeycomb. :-)

  11. Hmm I’m going to be in the Bay area from Feb 15-23… hehe I wonder if I will be able to be there for the installation of the bee ;)

  12. Why is it blue? Should it be green…

  13. @quentyn
    These microsoft full page popup ads are making the site unusable on my galaxy s…can you look into that please?

  14. Oh, this could make some cool live wallpapers :D Ditto on the comment about the new ads, I can’t tap the x to make it go away. Mr.Clooneys face is severly getting in the way.

  15. Haha love the bee but they’re right, it just wouldn’t look right on the lawn. DX no pop up ads :P Drooooid!

  16. Shouldn’t the android bee be yellow and black or in the least Green and black?

  17. I’m guessing it’s because Honeycomb UI is blue/black.

    What i’m wondering though is how they’re going to stand this thing up on the lawn.

  18. I agree, I think it should be in Android green.

  19. Love the logo except for the color. Blue is my favorite color, but the Android has always been green. Don’t change his color for this logo. Stick with what everybody knows and feels warm and fuzzy about.

  20. but i like panda

  21. @ilh

    Stab its stinger into the ground?

    Or just put it on a base?

  22. Appropriate because this version is really going to put the sting to Apple.

  23. honeycomb logo is very nice with black and blue i like it

  24. Pure honey crisps

  25. Very nice logo, but it’s NOT a honeycomb. Just sayin…

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