
Google Mobile Web Updated to Add More Languages


Yes, we know there’s a Gmail app, but many people still prefer using the web. Simple reasons – such as better attachment handling and more flexibility – keep users tied to the mobile web experience in this day of users screaming for native apps. If you’re the type who still takes to the browser for your email needs, you’ll be happy to know that Gmail Web for Mobile has been updated to introduce more HTML5-developed features and to add a LOT more languages. The list goes from just English to the following:

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If your phone’s default language is one of those listed, go to gmail.com in your phone’s browser and the new interface will appear in your language automatically. We’ve been rolling these changes out, so some of you may have already seen them. You’ll get a bunch of new goodies including offline support, smart links (titles will appear in links for Google Maps, YouTube and Google Docs), the ability to add and remove labels, layout improvements and more—in addition to the existing features like starring, better threaded conversations and search.

There’s no update to be had, of course: just sign in! And check out this whacky promo video that doesn’t actually show anything, but is still quite awesome. (Who thought a marching band made out of Gmail’s visual elements could make one so happy.) [via Google]


Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I like the web gmail over my app because i can make the fonts big enough to read. Why google, why is this important feature missing in your app on both gmail and claendar????? Why! I also loved the marching band…

  2. ironic that they use an iphone?

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