
PowerAMP Beta Now in the Android Market


We just got done showing you guys how awesome PowerAMP is in our second AppCast, and now Max has put a newer version up in the Android market. It’s still beta, but he’s fixed a lot of bugs since we last took a look at it and added a few new features, as well. (Some of you didn’t really care for a widget without album art, but you can come out from hiding now: he’s added that too.) If you haven’t tried it out yet, then it’s easier to get now than it has ever been. Search the Android market for PowerAMP.

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  1. Witch one is better PowerAMP or Winamp???

  2. Try both and decide! It’s the Android way.

  3. I would prefer a full screen widget… otherwise cool app!

  4. They are both free downloads in the market. Try for yourself. It is a personal taste thing. Though right now Poweramp seems to have a larger feature set.

  5. PowerAMP is hands down the most beautiful and slickest music player for android to date! It puts the stock HTC sense music player simply to shame!

  6. But does it scrobble?

  7. yes it does… what is scrobble?

  8. has scrobble settings!

  9. Does PowerAMP have a search feature like Music Junk or is it strictly for playing music you’ve already downloaded?

  10. no music search!

  11. no music surch like music junk anyway.

  12. It would be the best except for one problem and one missing feature from winamp.
    1. can’t easily select files to play like winamp/itunes/tinyplayer(android)
    2. No visualization. Winamp has it (sadly not in android).

  13. It also can’t limit to a folder so if you have gameloft games your music files are full of game releated music/sound files that no one would play in any music player.

  14. Nice!! Never tried this player before and it ROCKS!! Finally an music player with a nice UI, gestures (for use while driving) and a great widget!

    IMO winamp has a loooong way to go compared this this player, winamp has no gestures, no folder control argh!! etc…

  15. Not free, trial only. :-(

  16. I love this music player. Android FTW!!

  17. cost money, I prefer the default player and Winamp =0p

  18. You get what you pay for. Would gladly pay for this product.

  19. Yes, it scrobbles, or at least it has settings for or Scrobble Droid.

    I wasn’t a fan of the huge album art on the display until I realized you could do gesture controls on the pic. I’m loving that feature. I think the only thing really missing in my testing so far is saving your own EQ presets. Pretty much all of the default EQ presets suck and it’d be nice if I could set up and save a couple for headphones, car, and home.

    I think their gesture controls are a step in the right direction for features lacking on the other players I’ve tried. You have big buttons on the main player screen for track forward and back and even quick access to specific points in a song, but quick and easy main screen gestures for volume up/down would be very nice.

    I could care less for visualization and I don’t even really see the point on today’s phones. I think you’d be hard pressed to find someone who really wanted some crazy screen visualization that’s just going to drain the battery faster.

  20. @dvdivx all of those features are in PowerAmp. You sure you talking about the same thing?

  21. It’s functionally quite good, but the “electric blue” color scheme is just wrong for Android.

  22. @bizzle – you can change the color scheme. The ‘aluminum’ scheme looks great.

  23. I just tried PowerAMp and really like it. Looks great, easy UI, and lots of features. I would be glad to pay for this great app.

  24. Wow!! has everything I need and I just noticed that I can finally play WMA files on my Nexus One!!!!! (without having to put a custom rom on of course)

  25. the navigation is fairly awkward, while playing a song i couldnt find an easy way to return to the album that i was on and back to the artist that i was listening to. Despite TuneWiki’s various problems i still believe its the best in terms of ease of usability

  26. Holy crap…the EQ is awesome, not to mention the UI is so slick. I used to use Mixzing but this might now be my new favorite player, can’t wait to be able to purchase it soon.

  27. Been using poweramp for a week, using the apk on xdadevs. Absolutely love it. Will definitely pay for this once it goes final.

  28. Mixzing is better than both winamp and poweramp

  29. this is the only third party music app that takes advantage of the EMMC and lets you play content from it rather than just your SD card, i’ve had the beta for a while before it was on marketplace. another few notable features besides native EMMC support (built in storage access for those that don’t know what EMMC means) is that it has built in presets for equalizer and has the ability to increase the volume of your handset speaker past its software locked limit.

  30. i love the EQ
    i turn the bass up 3/4 and the treble all the way
    my hip hop sounds better!!!

  31. Find all the details here:

  32. sorry, but winamp wins…it really whips the llama’s ass.

  33. Bleh. Tried it for about an hour and uninstalled it. Both PowerAmp and WinAmp feel like players that are geared more towards looking cool that anything else. I’ll stick with PlayerPro.

  34. Do not install this unless you feel like having to hard rest your device. I installed it on my galaxy S and it made my device very buggy. Buggy how you ask, well it caused both touch wiz and launcher pro to crash on start up, also caused the notification bar to freeze. One feature that winamp has that this doesn’t is to add things to the playing cue. It definitely loooks nice (very slick interface) but until the author fixes the issues that cause system instability avoid this program like the plague or you will be reseting your device and cursing yourself. Oh and dont believe all the positive revues probably the author and his friends.

  35. Winamp has no EQ, mixzing is ugly as hell. PowerAMP wins at the moment. PowerAMPs EQ has even usable tone settings.

  36. How is it compared to Meridian Media Player Pro? That is what I use as my default media player for my videos and music.

  37. @Rob no problems on Desire. It really is the best player now. I’ll have to see how Winamp turns out after the beta, but there’s really nothing more i could wish for.

  38. Does not work well on samsung galaxy s vibrant.
    occupate more than 35% of cpu. drain battery too fast

  39. how do you turn off poweramp?It continually turns on the screen and drains the battery.

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