
YouTube Gets Redesigned (“Gingerbread Version”) & Heads to the Market


Many of you were skeptics regarding information we let out regarding the forthcoming upgrade for Android – Gingerbread. One piece of info we told you guys about was a new YouTube app – version 2.0 – that got a significant overhaul in terms of looks to bring it up to par with the rest of the OS. Sure enough, YouTube just hit the Android market today, and it’s everything we heard it would be.

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The app has been updated with the ability to like and dislike videos, play videos in portrait mode while taking a gander at other information, and more tidbits we have yet to take a dive into.

I don’t want to say I told you so, but if you don’t believe that we have some hardcore information on Gingerbread now, then this should be our first step to proving just that. We are still digging for more on Gingerbread to share with you in the near future, but for now, just know that that YouTube app we talked about back then is now available for anyone and everyone to download.

[Update]: As far as we can tell, this looks to be for devices running Android 2.2 (and higher). We can’t find it on our 2.1-enabled Fascinate and I’ve checked in with a few friends to see if their Eclair phones could find it. No sale.

[via Droid-Life]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. first?

  2. First! But this is pointless without being able to finally see all videos

  3. Sweet, but not seeing it here in the UK.

  4. I still think your source is holding back. All I’m saying is that blurry pic is easily replicated. Perhaps, your source is giving you info, but not showing you the real homescreen because he wants you to be surprised. Anyway, the youtube app is great.

  5. I like Phandroid a lot, and I think you do great work, but…
    You reported that a major feature of Gingerbread was an update to the YouTube app. Now the updated app gets released for older versions, and you claim that’s evidence you were right about Gingerbread?
    On the contrary, someone showed you the ongoing post-Froyo app work (think Gmail, Maps…) and told you it was part of Gingerbread.
    You was duped!

  6. I can’t find it in the market :/

  7. I hope this is not how gingerbread itself will look like. I was expecting it more along the lines of gallery 3d app. This app UI still looks mediocre. Google should invest some of their billions of cash in hiring some deviant artists. seriously!

  8. I’m getting an error when I try to install that says “Package file was not signed correctly.” I’m using a Motorola Droid running CyanogenMod 6. Anybody else having this issue on any other device/ROM?

  9. @Dave the YouTube app had just recently started showing up in recent builds of what we know to be Gingerbread. If you download Froyo from Google’s servers now, this version (1.6) does not come with the app. I don’t know what more we can do. But there will always be skeptics, so all I can say is stay tuned.

  10. I want to see the “new” videos for the channels I subscribe to like you can on the web site, instead of just a list of the channels themselves….. still a fail on that count.

  11. Just installed 2.0.26 from the Android Market on a stock Nexus One. This is a muuuuch better app.

  12. I couldn’t get it to install right away but after uninstalling the old one in Titanium and then rebooting, it installed just fine.

  13. yeah this ui looks cool-for a third party app. i expect more from google. all the new features are cool but it doesnt flow with the other ui at all. the gradient part of the old youtube widget should have been implemented into the whole app, it looks classy

  14. got it on my nez.. saaaweet

  15. Moto Droid CM6… unsuccessful installation. Poop.

  16. Seems there’s an issue with cm6 devices

  17. @Christiaan
    uninstall the current one with titaniumbackup then reboot then install the new one.

  18. @sha No issue, just silly noobs.

  19. Awesome, but really there isn’t anything about this app that says ‘gingerbread’ to me.
    Nice though!

    (oh, and scrolling through the list also seems plenty fast… well done, big G)

  20. Look under google’s “view more applications” you should see it there.

  21. Damn, was hoping for a much much much more refined look…also was hoping it’d be white instead of black…I feel black (as done by google) tends to look cheap…

  22. It isn’t literally supposed to be Gingerbread-centric, anakin. I emphasized so heavily on Gingerbread because our source confirmed that this YouTube app comes stock with Gingerbread. (And that’s why I put “Gingerbread Version” in quotes.) We didn’t know at the time that it would also head to the Market for Froyo devices. The point was to let people know that we have solid information about Gingerbread and that they should stay tuned.

  23. @Steve I’ll give it a shot.

    That said, I’ve been using the mobile web interface since they released it this summer and haven’t missed the app for a second. For these kinds of services that don’t need full integration into the phone I’d much rather have a web application so that I don’t have to worry about app compatibility.

  24. I hate how 60% of my damned favorite videos aren’t available on mobile.

  25. @Quentyn Heh, well, that only confirms that your source knew about a new version of YouTube, which of COURSE would be in Gingerbread ;).

    Actually, having used it just a bit more, it’s damn slick. The interface is fantastic, and super smooth. If this is a sign of things to come, I’m all for it!

  26. Jus downloaded it on my evo loving it easy to use and as soon as finished replaced the other without me doing nothing all on its own!!

  27. @anakin Ah, understandable. But again, stay tuned. ;)

  28. Thanks, Steve, it’s working. Nicer words would have been better :p

  29. @sha you want nice or you want working?

  30. Just got it on my N1, its awesome! Thanks guys!

  31. I have a Desire with 2.2 but can’t see the app on the market.

  32. @Quentyn – Patiently staying tuned, hope you guys don’t disappoint! :)

  33. WOW this is ugly.. I REALLY hope this is not how Gingerbread will look like! Horrible.

  34. Is the video and audio quality still absolutely atrocious? I’ve never seen YouTube look or sound half-decent on anything other than a PC.

  35. I kind of like it. It’s definitely geared for using in portrait mode but I do like how it switches when you rotate the phone.

    Still have problems with a lot of videos not playing. Have to keep selecting them and they eventually start going. At least now there is a default for HQ mode. It was always annoying when a regular quality version would start playing and when switching to HQ I’d get that not available on mobile message and have to start reloading to get it to play.

  36. Anyone else getting “There was a problem with the network(401)” when viewing subecriptions?

  37. @ 36. LaptuaZ

    I am getting that too when trying to view anything under my channel header. I’m on a stock Froyo N1 too!

  38. Just downloaded it from the market. So much better than the last version!

  39. So freaking tired of everything coming out for 2.2 as if eclair doesn’t exist.. WTF.. Tired of waiting on samsung for this update.

  40. Installed just fine on a G2. I like the double tap to rotate. I always found that my N1 and now my G2 were really finicky with rotating the screen. The G2 can at least lock orientation by opening the keyboard.

  41. Yay, this works on my DInc running Skyraider Vanilla. I haven’t had a YT app for a while since I installed this ROM.

  42. wow, this is what the youtube app needed!! i love portrait and landscape modes! very clever of google!

  43. wow they make big change!i really like it -nexus one froyo

  44. * Looks at his Motorola Cliq again and sighs *

    I’m giving Motorola until the 15th of November to upgrade this thing, or else I’m rooting it. Mind you, I still won’t be able to run this..

  45. i dont like how all these companys forget about there old phones and just focus on the new ones. i have a g1 still and its running great just i cant get any apps because it has like no space. i am thinking about getting one of the custom android phones

  46. Hey was the any talk with your source about a new keyboard with Gingerbread. I know they wanted to improve the stock keyboard and remember they bought that company blind type too. The demo on that keyboard was awesome and I hope Google implements that real soon.

  47. Youtube app is hugely improved….excellent.

  48. made my G2 freeze o_O scared to try it again.

  49. The new version is better but there are a couple flaws. You watch the videos in landscape mode in which i mean it won’t let u post comments, etc.. the only way to do anything is to have it in portrait mode which let’s you view related vids, scroll up and down for other videos, etc… and by the way does anyone know how to post a comment I can’t seem to figure it out

  50. So freaking suckish my vibrant cant download it :(

  51. Can´t install on Nexus One, help please

  52. used it for about 2 hours straight over 3g…

    what an improvement for my old droid 1


  53. Just got it on my N1 2.2.1 and it’s plain AWESOME, the quality of the videos and the new interface is much better since you can multitask within the app. I’ve been watching videos for 30 minutes now and it’s very solid. Great job Phandroid and Congratulations to Google on an Awesome App.

    I hope this app is a sign of Gingerbread for my daily breakfast diet :)

  54. Just got it for my N1

  55. I’m running it on my Captivate. It is way better!! Haven’t had a singe issue with it.

    I’m running a leaked Froyo on my phone that’s why it works.

  56. So, i just tested this app with my mate on a HTC Desire , its’ working greath. Atleast at us, it is 100% bugfree . Working smoother than ever, Thumbs up for google.

  57. I think this requires 2.2 because it’s like the rest of the Google Apps. In 2.2 they split it from the rest of Android so it can be updated seperatly instead of keeping people waiting on a new Android update to get new version of the Google Apps.

  58. This is sweet. The old Youtube app stopped working on my Incredible for no reason but this update fixed it. Too bad the videos don’t play on my Droid 2.

  59. I take that back. The Droid 2 just needed a reboot. All is great!

  60. Running fine here! (HTC Desire, Froyo, UK)

  61. Version 2.0 is available in the market (original/untouched Desire with official froyo – Sweden)

  62. Prev version (1.6) size was 304 Kb, new version is 1.32 Mb & no a2sd support.

  63. Found it on market. Nexus One 2.2 (Finland)

  64. It freezes up my G2 when I hit the back button while watching a video on hq in landscape mode. Kinda annoying cuz I have to do a battery pull everytime ugh…

  65. Now I got aswell on N1: package file was not signed correctly

    what can I do?? any suggestions???

  66. Just updated on my nexus 2.2.1 and the app looks a lot better. Its showing up in the UK Market….BOOM

  67. Can’t install in my Nexus One (FRF91, Vodafone Spain).

    “Application can’t be installed” (aprox. translation from spanish)

    Seeing in forums that there are lots of people having similar problems in Spain with N1s from Vodafone.


  68. I’m a big fan of this change… now if we can just get an updated “Gingerbread Version” (in quotes for you Quentyn ;-) ) of Google Talk that allows me to send pictures, I’ll be happy… of course if they include video chat, that’d be even better – even if I have no means to use it right now.

  69. I think the source didn’t give away a decent homescreen shot because: It was too underwhelming.

    To tell you the truth, I was expecting a much bigger UI change, rather than “cleaner icons” and “lime green intonations”.

  70. Wish this update fixed the “This video cannot be played.” error on EVERY video I have EVER tried to watch on my phone. I have -never- been able to get YouTube to work on my phone. NEVER.

  71. not on my HTC Legend it isn’t :(

  72. WOW. VERY nice. Can play in a small window at the top of your screen with Info, Related Videos and Comments below. Slide to the right to go through those options, and rotate your phone to go full screen!

    Makes me much more excited for Gingerbread!

  73. BTW for all of you that can’t install the new version on CM6 imaged devices you will need to remove youtube manually by using a file explorer tool with R/W access to \system\apps like root explorer and rename youtube.apk to youtube.old or something like that. Then reboot and install the new one.

  74. So does anybody have an explanation for why like half youtube videos don’t show up on mobile devices? It’s so frustrating to tell your friend “look at this awesome video!…… wait, I can’t find it…. umm… let me look at the main website in full page mode…. oh here!” And they’ve lost interest by then.

  75. I tried yesterday and today but all i get is installation unsuccessful… fml

  76. Very good update. Don’t know how but they’ve managed to make the landscape-portrait transition and vice versa quicker than any other app i’ve used even while playing a video.

  77. Seems there is an issue with Desire HD + Z (G2) devices, after backing out of playing videos in landscape the app slow right down, playback isn’t slow just causes general menu navigation slow down and has forced many battery pulls.
    HTC Desire HD.

  78. Just intalled the updated app on my G2. Runs beautifully when first opened, but crashes my phone when I exit and have to battery pull. Anyone with similar issues? I unintalled the update and the previous version is working just fine.

  79. Fairly reliably freezes my G2 – requires battery pull to fix.

  80. Same freezes my g2 every time I try and exit..

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