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Industrious Samsung Epic 4G Game Pad Mod



Most of the Android mods we talk about are strictly at the software level. Users hack device firmware and put together custom ROMs, root handsets and slap said ROMs onto them. But one industrious owner of the Samsung Epic 4G wasn’t satisfied simply with hacking the heck out of their software. They obviously had no use for the original QWERTY keyboard, one of the major selling points of the Epic, either. Instead Cary Golomb got a bit destructive and created his own ultimate game pad for his Android device.

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You can read more about the history of the project and the motivations behind it over at this blog post, but you probably just want to see the thing in action. For that I present to you the following video:

Pretty neat, but definitely not for everyone. After dropping the cash on a handset prized for it’s keyboard we doubt too many people will take the plunge. To each their own, I suppose.

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  1. When will they realize that a videogame Android phone is awsome and make us one proper?

  2. wow! That was really cool to be honest. He was playing those games like he had the actual ps3 or system controller in his hand. i wouldn’t recommend that to anyone but if you know what you are doing then go ahead. i personally like using the entire keyboard to text to so lol

  3. @Pimpstrong
    The next PSP is rumoured android ;-)

  4. That guy is good at SNES games, controller or not.

  5. Why not just wait for the Game Gripper Epic 4G?


  6. How about someone make an adapter that goes over the keypad and when you hit a button hits the regular button. So you don’t have to destroy the phone.

  7. Thats what the game gripper is. It attaches to the phone. They are currently making one for the Epic and just released one for the Moment

  8. wait… diablo?! WHERE DO I GET THIS

  9. why not just use it with the full keyboard? ha

  10. @Concept
    +1 on the Game Gripper. And thats another reason why a physical keyboard is useful for the folks that downplay them.
    Physical keyboards owns touch screen controls for emulators….

  11. good god, why?!? I can’t look…

  12. how does he get those games on there and to appear on the home screen??

  13. Couldn’t this have all been achieved simply by not pressing the other keys? Why would anyone want to hack up the keyboard to simply reduce functionality?

  14. Neat mod, however a little to excesive for my taste.

  15. Dude just get a wiimote … why ruin your Epic4G SMH!!

  16. @jroc … wiimote controller + classic controller pwns a physical keyboard every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

  17. From the game-gripper website FAQ – “What’s the next phone on the list?
    The Samsung Epic is the next phone to get a Game Gripper. It should be available in November. ”

    :D I couldn’t make up my mind on whether to get a Evo or an Epic… I think this pretty much made up my mind for me!

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