
Sony’s Google TV Controller Shows Keyboarded Face


I’m not sure Google TV will be the holiday thing of 2010 although it should be- it’s the type of attraction folks will have to see in the home of their family or friends, and in action, before the real momentum shift occurs. But mark my words that I will have Google TV before the year is over and with all the capabilities promised, an effective remote will be a requirement.

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Whether or not a Galaxy Tab or ARCHOS Tablet will double as a great Google TV Remote remains to be seen, but Sony is working on a Google TV Remote of their own to go along with the Google TV hardware they’re launching (and announcing on October 12th). The Sony Google TV Remote, pictured above, was spotted in an ABC Nightline video that you can view below.

The video doesn’t seem to be loading at the moment but looking at the picture above, I can’t decide if it’s ugly, functional, or both. The full QWERTY is a must which brings along some heft automatically. I never thought i would say that I personally like the form factor of the Motorola Backflip, but honestly, I think an unfolding form factor with different remote uses on different sides could perform really well in this scenario.

To what Google TV accessories are you most looking forward?

[Via Engadget]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Hope it comes out in all black. can’t wait to use this in the living room!!

  2. I prefer the arrangement adopted by Logitech, coupled with an application for my phone. My hope is that providers other than Dish Network get on board (I have Comcast).

  3. Lame. Underdesigned and overcluttered. Just get an Android tablet to do the job.

  4. Not that I would be that interested in it, but it looks like it good make for a good gaming controller.

  5. Way too busy. They should have teamed up with Logitech on the harmony style remotes for this. I’m no longer interested in “this” TV

  6. I’m guessing this is just a prototype remote. Hopefully, there will be something much sleeker for the final product. Maybe a slider remote?

  7. i first thought “that has to be a prototype”, but if you watch the show clip, you realize that is taken directly from the commercial sony is soon to release in their Gtv marketing blitz. I wish you were right. I won’t have a problem using that but I know the avg consumer won’t even attempt to use it and may not even buy the product.

  8. The should definitely use either a flip-out or slide-out keyboard. The keyboard will not be used all of the time, so why make it so prominent.

  9. @andrew that is the final design, we have one of these at work to test.

  10. Won’t knock it till I try it, it certainly looks interesting.

  11. To what Google TV accessories are you most looking forward?

    Game controllers.

  12. If I had to guess, I’d bet that there will be enough demand for aftermarket remotes that the Logitech types will still be around.

    Also, don’t forget about tablet applications that could turn them into universal remotes. While most tablets don’t currently have IR output, there’s no reason they couldn’t be used to control locally networked devices. Plus, it’s not a far stretch to think that if the demand was there, tablet manufacturers would add IR in a heartbeat…

  13. Idea: A regular TV remote that slides open to reveal a full qwerty keyboard. Al la Droid.

    Problem solved.

  14. I hope Google TV integrates into the PS3. This is the killer feature they need to make their gaming system more attractive than XBox, and they already have the licensing arrangement. Come on Sony, Make it happen yesterday. Then I will just use my PS3 Keyboard!

  15. I hope they make a better design for 299. lol

  16. my friends the supervisor of home theatre at best buy, they just won some contest and he gets a free 40inch sony google tv, all the reps get logitech boxes. that’s the remote he showed me.

  17. @swampfox my thoughts exactly if you look @ the form factor its similar to a playstation setup with full qwerty attachment a little further spread out than it needs to be but it would definitley work for gaming besides its made by SONY they’ll come out with a refined black universal replacement.

  18. So people checking their facebook page while I am watching TV. No thanks. This could be the end of families as we know it.

  19. @Alex – Vizio already has that kind of remote (regular remote w/ slide-out qwerty) that they release with their top-line LED tvs

  20. Functional + Ugly = Fugly?

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