
Android Receives a PlayStation (PSX) Emulator: PSX4Droid


We knew about the emulator for the PlayStation gaming console (dubbed the PSX as it was the first in Sony’s gaming line) since early June, but a 1.0 release has finally made its way to the Android market for $5.99 courtesy of ZodTTD. It’s named psx4droid and is currently the only emulator for the legendary console available for public download.

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It’s not the smoothest on all devices (you’re definitely going to need a recent high-end handset to make the most out of the experience) but it’s deifnitely more than we could imagine at this point in Android’s life. I can’t help but imagine that this won’t be the most elegant experience on a mobile phone: there are just not enough physical buttons on a phone to emulate the original analog stick-equipped DualShock, and the screen real-estate needed to implement a software-based solution might not be the best for everyone.

Still, we look forward to continued development as it deservedly sits alongside some of the better emulators on the market (NESOID, SNESOID, Gameboid, etc.) from generations past.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. So someone explain this to me please. I’ve never been much for gaming on my phone. But I’ve heard of Nintendo emulators etc. So this allows me to play PS3 games on my phone? Who makes/converts the games to the emulator? It’s all very confusing.

    Obviously this is illegal? No? So you have an emulator and it’s like having a virtual PS3 on your phone? What games become available? Only ones converted to work on an emulator?

    Someone explain please.

  2. The games are dumped/ripped from their original media (rom chips, cd, carts) into a data file which the software (emulator) reads/runs just like the original hardware/software (which is emulated/mimic’d by the emulator).

    No, PSX/PSone (original playstation).

    It is not illegal if you own the original game/media otherwise yes it is illegal.

  3. no, original playstation games only….PSX=PS1=Original Playstation
    it is not illegal to use emulators to play games so long as you have a legal copy already as the law allows for a backup to be made for personal use

  4. OK cool. Now I get it. Thank you!

  5. too bad everyone’s getting stuck at “authorizing purchase”, otherwise i’d be playing silent hill on my phone right now.

  6. I got the emulator,but finding the right file to play the game SUCK donkey balls! It got to be ISO files. Most of the roms comes is either rar files or es something file. VERY confusing if u not familiar with rom downloading. It’s easy for nes, snes and the Gen emulator but this shit right, can make a man go nuts. I will send the apk (psx 4droid) to anybody who can help me out with this.

  7. I hope they put out a lite or trial version so I can try this out before forking out the money

  8. Rar is compression format like zip … is there an iso file inside the rar?

    use winrar to extrat a rar.

    you can send me the apk now LOL.

  9. Definitely NOT picking this up without a trial or similar. The PSX has a lot more buttons/controls than the NES/GEN/SNES and the hardware was more powerful. I doubt this will play many games acceptably, especially since my standards are prerty high for something like this… I have a PSP that can play PS1 titles nearly perfectly and with good controls.

  10. you have a 24 (48 in the future) hour trial on EVERY APP. quit bitching, download a “rom” and try it out for 30 mins, and if you like it, keep it. if not, simply return it, you’ll have 23 hours and 30 mins of your “trial” left….

  11. I’m going to give this app a month to get the bugs worked out before I buy it. It looks incredible though!

  12. @b1gg134 I dont mind giving the apk file but im not posting my gmail. So it up to u 2 post yours.

  13. Has anyone tried this on the Motorola Droid yet? I’d like to buy it, but not sure if it’s powerful enough. I’d probably only do rpg’s so I’m not to worried about buttons.

    As for people having issues with .zip or .rar files, download the ROM’s to your computer, uncompress, then transfer the ROM to your device. A bit cumbersome, but it works great.

  14. this thing works remarkably well on my evo 4g..and touch screen controls work just fine..sure you wont be able to play every game on playstation but final fantasy VII, VIII, IX, crash bandicoot, marvel vs capcom, megaman and more work and play very comfortably

  15. @bobby: where did you get a copy of final fantasy 8? or did you have the copy then make an iso image of it?

  16. where can i download bios bin for psx4droid?

  17. well the bios file called SCPH1001.bin can be google and you can find the file like that but my question is how do i get games on it and where?

  18. i have the same question as Crysis
    I have the scph1001.bin installed on my phone and i tried dumping a few roms in to a folder like i do with my gba emulator but no luck. Any idea what im doing wrong?

  19. Can u please send me the apk please on [email protected]

  20. For those having problems I had to turn sound off before the game would load. Also mess with the refresh rates.

    I’m running a moto cliq rooted with all non essential apps closed or disabled and cpu set to always max. Only a handful of games I’ve found playable on my phone but anything with a 1ghz cpu and 512 ram I imagine would be fine.

    For those that want it for free, it’s only $6 for a working psx emulator on the phone. If it doesn’t work then just refund it. But I’m sure most people spend more then that on fast food for a week so it’s not that expensive.

  21. has this for download and many more for free.

  22. I just loaded the PSX4DROID application on my Samsung Vibrant and after figuring out the bios, I just had to find a couple games to download and try. The games downloaded as RARs. I downloaded them on my PC, used Winrar to uncompress them, and then copied them to my usb-plugged in phone’s 8 gb micro sd card. The game, NFL Blitz 2001, ran very well without any issues and was fun and playable! I am currently downloading FF7. For me and my Samsung 1ghz phone, definitely worth the $6.

  23. they have the full version of psx4droid for free and it rules.

  24. Cmon’ guys.. this is one worth buying. There seems to be a lot of illegal talk here and I doubt phandroid wants to be a place for illegal distribution of apps. Please watch the comments more closely mods!

  25. psx/ps1 games are easy to find online try p2p or katz.
    but go ahead and spend the $6 or w/e to buy the emulator. its well worth it

  26. Manufacturer – HTC
    Model: G2 (Google 2 Android Phone)
    Operating System – FOIL

    NESOID – Flawless
    SNESOID – Flawless
    PSX4DROID – Flawless.

    Personal note:

    I can’t vouch for any of the older-generation android phone because my G2 is the only droid I’ve ever owned but being that the G2 is pretty much the best on the market right now, I felt I should mention that the Emulators work great on it, they’re smoking fast, they’re cheap, and the buttons work perfectly. It gives you the same buttons you had on the console gamepad.

    If there is any doubt in your mind, that whether or not $6 is worth paying for any of the above apps, then rest assured, they work, they are updated often, and they’re solid.

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