
Yahoo! Bringing an Official Fantasy Football App to Android Soon


Since 2008, Android users have been bawling about the lack of quality fantasy football apps available on the Android market. CBS tried their shot at providing their own app for the platform they run, but it was introduced with a world of bugs and eventually became obselete as going to the browser to do your bidding proved to be much easier.

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Other third party apps have come out to attempt to fill the gap, but they all fell short considering they didn’t have full API access to some of the most popular fantasy football platforms out there. At least one of the major players – Yahoo! – is ready to step up for the 2010-2011 NFL season and will be offering an Android app (hopefully) in time for draft day.

The app willl allow you to get real-time updates on how your players are doing out on the field and how they’re racking points up for your fantasy team. You’ll also get full roster management including the ability to set your roster every week right on your phone. No other features can be confirmed at this time, and pricing is also yet to be determined. Either way, I’m sold. Not having to be tethered to my computer to make sure I put all the right players in for any given week will get me that much more into fantasy football. Let’s hope other outlets follow suit.

[Thanks, Bryan!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

A Phandroid’s Story About How He Found A Droid X (Washington, DC)

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  1. Finally! This may be the only app I use for the next 7 months!

  2. oh damn where was this when the world cup was going on???

  3. NOOO! It’s the wrong sort of FOOTBALL!!!!

    How can you American’s call it football when you throw it, catch it, and run with it in your hands!?!?!?

  4. Yes! I knew yahoo would come through. The yahoo iphone app is great and I’m sure this will be just as good. Thanks yahoo!

  5. Ah yes, just in time. Being that I usually end up in 2-3 Yahoo! fantasy leagues, I certainly hope we’ll be allowed to view more than 1 league in this thing.

  6. PS – This also better be funded through ads. I’m not paying for this. OK, I might pay $5 for an ad-less version.

  7. what about baseball!!! cmon yahoo!


  9. Well dont know what that guy is thinking but i have been waiting for this and proying for this. now if only the other guys (, would get their asses in gear.

  10. Hell yeah….Great news for us fantasy football fanatics! ! ! ….I can’t wait to try it out….I have not used Yahoo fantasy football for my leagues and I am always the Commissioner….I have used AOL and CBS Sportsline for most of my leagues….How do you guys like the Yahoo fantasy football leagues? ….Any fellow commissioners out there that would recommend me switching to Yahoo for my league this year?

  11. Yep, I had seen this when wandering around the Yahoo Fantasy Football Page. It’s been up for around a month or so. Can’t wait for it to come out. I was worried that I would have to keep asking my brother to check the scores(he’s on an iPhone).

  12. @Seriously – I’m a Commissioner of two different leagues and I play in a Yahoo one. Yahoo has gotten a lot better last year since they now allow a bit more customization of the rules and finally free live scoring. It also has a nice interface. That being said my opinion is that ESPN Fantasy Football is superior to all the major players out there. I hope we get that app in time for the draft.

  13. Its about time.

  14. Nice. I used their mobile website for FF last season which was decent… based on the quality of their new Yahoo Mail app it should be pretty good.

  15. @Keith

    Learn where the term “football” is actually derived from, then come back and try again. Hint, it has nothing to do with the feet touching a ball.

  16. This is good news. Last year I was out and about when I heard one of my fantasy players wouldn’t be playing that day I had to borrow my sister’s iphone (I felt dirty) to change my roster. I only had a feature phone at the time.

  17. No hockey, no care.

  18. Yes!!! Finally!!!!! I was so jealous of my iPhone friends who had this.


    Now maybe next year they’ll release a baseball app.

  20. Anyone here actually know if CBS has truly abandoned their android app?

  21. Yahoo is by far my favorite fantasy football site.. This is great news.

  22. @pt21

    I know where the term football came from. ENGLAND!! LOL. You should really have called it American Rugby, as what you call football was born from Rugby*…

    *and yes I know Rugby in it’s full term was Rugby Football.

  23. Thank you Jesus!

  24. can i draft my players using this app?

  25. anybody know when this is actually coming out, like the actually date

  26. hopefully soon, but I keep checking the market just in case. definitely ready to start using it on my Droid 2. Wouldn’t surprise me if it came out a few days before the first regular season game. The folks at Yahoo! are probably going nuts trying to fine-tune/test it.

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