
Xperia X10 Gets An Update (Not Eclair, Not Froyo)


It’s been a while since the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 got some update love, but perhaps the discovery of a new OTA this morning will soothe that empty part of your soul. Let’s clear this up right now: it’s not Android 2.1, nor is it Android 2.2. The device’s update to Eclair has a broad window of Q3 (which begins just one day from today).

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According to Sony Ericsson, the update focuses on improved performance, speed, and responsiveness. They’ve also added a backup and restore utility for those who may need to reset their phone or exchange it for another one. Finally, PlayNow with premium apps and games will be added in select markets.

A long cry from Eclair or Froyo, but Sony Ericsson’s still working hard to keep you guys happy. You can either wait for the device to notify you that the update is ready to download OTA, or you can head over to Sony Ericsson’s update site now to apply it manually.

[via Sony Ericsson]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Right, Sony, can we have the same update for the mini please :)

  2. Timescape and the blue theme is just a fail in my opinion. The screen is so large and yet the writing scale is so small.

  3. That’s actually what I hate about stock Android (and Sense, come to think of it). Writing is just waaaay too big. I can read small text, I want small text. The screen is still small because it’s a mobile device. I don’t want it full of squishy text. I want as much text to fit on as possible.

  4. the “Sony Ericsson’s update site” link points to something completely irrelevant…

  5. baaaaah, who cares about this last year phone?

  6. just go to sonyericsson.com/update
    select your country and whatnot, the update should be there

  7. No updates that I can find online or anywhere else …

  8. if you write an article, make sure the link is correct… seriously

  9. update is out in the netherlands as well, as of today (for unbranded phones, at least)

  10. Android 1.6. Seriously sony Ericsson? How can you make such a bit mistake on such an anticipated device. When you release 2.1 or even 2.2. All other devices will have 3.0 wich is already under development. Biggest mistake ever.

  11. Guys,

    Don’t you get it? These are telephone makers venturing into the world of IT. They need to get used to our speed of thinking & creating. After that they may start to bring out updates quicker and so on. Android is a nice platform, but the way Google & its hardware partners handle it is far from nice…


  12. c’mon guys support, and copy your critics here, and post it on the link on facebook… share with your friends!!! Let’s blow SE mind!!!

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