
Verizon Issuing $25 Gift Cards to Back-Ordered Incredible Purchasers


It’s good to see that Verizon isn’t just sitting around and waiting for new HTC Droid Incredible units to come in while several thousand (or hundreds of thousands) customers are without the phone they’ve been wanting for a couple of months. We’ve received reports that $25 gift cards are being offered as an apology for anyone whose order had a ship date of 6/28 or earlier.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


“Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for your recent order of the DROID Incredible by HTC. Due to overwhelming demand for this innovative device, we are currently experiencing inventory delays. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and are working to resolve this issue.

If your order shipping date was June 28 or prior, you may experience an additional delay of up to 7 business days. We will send an update with tracking information once your device has been shipped. If you have already received your device, please disregard this notice.

Your satisfaction is important to us, so we’re also sending you a $25 Verizon Wireless gift card which may be redeemed online or at any Verizon Wireless retail store as a way of saying “thank you” for your patience in this matter. No additional action on your part is required – we will send the gift card to the address you provided with your order in the next two weeks.

If you have further questions regarding your order, please contact Verizon Wireless customer service by dialing *611 from your mobile or calling 800-922-0204.

Verizon Wireless Fulfillment”

It also states that those orders may be shipping within 7 business days, but anything can happen at this point. Customers from this point forward may not be able to see their devices shipped out until July 27th as Verizon’s pushed the ship date back yet again (even if only slightly). Are some of you going to accept this gift card and wait for the Incredible or is the Motorola Droid X looking like more of a buy for you at this point?

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

NSFW: iPhone 4 vs. HTC EVO 4G [I Don’t Care]

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  1. Ill take their gift card and and the money already paid for my reserved INC and use it towards the purchase of the Droid X.

  2. Droid X is too large for my taste it might as well not exist.

  3. Droid X is too large for my taste it might as well not exist.

  4. To bad they sent this out 2 days after it was supposed to ship, and not until I sent an email to them asking what the hell is going on. Just give me the $25 credit on the order don’t make it so I have to buy something else. They also have to take the money instantly a whole month plus later they have their money I still don’t have my phone.

  5. @J well you’re only one person there are lots of people out there who want a bigger phone and the X is for them. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be made


  7. I haven’t bothered to order this phone because of the supply chain issues–even though I wanted to. I think it’s an absolute mess and at least they’re doing something now rather than later.

  8. HTC really needs to get their crap together and bring something to Verizon’s lineup other than the backordered Incredible, Imagio, and Ozone. Seriously, there aren’t even any rumored handsets from HTC on the horizon. Yes, the HTC Scorpion/Olympian, but that’s a rumor of a rumor at best.

  9. here’s the actual screen shot of the email i received from verizon.


    i informed the representative i spoke to that i’m also interested in the droid x. he informed me that when i receive the incredible and not totally satisfied with it i can exchange it directly at any verizon wireless store for the droid x at the launch date.

  10. Hey, Verizon Wireless here. Just a clarification on this post. The $25 gift card is being sent only to customers who were promised delivery of their Droid Incredible between 6/24 and 6/30 and did NOT receive their phones. We apologize for any inconvenience this delay has caused. Our intent is to get your Incredible to you as soon as we possibly can. The demand for this device has been, pardon the pun, Incredible. Given how cool the device is, we believe many customers will think it was worth the wait. Happy 4th.

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