
Droid X Is Official, July 15th for $199



The moment we have all been waiting for: today Verizon and Motorola announce the Droid X, the latest in the Droid line of smartphones kicked off with the runaway hit that was the original released last fall. The phone that we first heard whispers of last January as the Motorola Shadow has since been revealed to be a powerful uberphone in line with the likes of the HTC EVO 4G after numerous leaks made it nearly impossible to keep this one under wraps. So let’s get to the juicy stuff: when can we get our grubby mitts on it and how much is it going to cost us?

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Motorola’s — count ’em — 11th smartphone in a period spanning a year will be out July 15th for the price of $199.99 on a two-year contract after a mail-in rebate. That’s less than a month away and for your now standard subsidized smartphone price. The Wi-Fi hotspot feature (yes, there is Wi-Fi for up to five devices) is going to set you back an extra $20 a month.

Better news? If you’re a Verizon customer with a contract expiring by December 31st of this year, you can upgrade immediately without any penalty.

So can you feel the excitment? Can you bare the wait? Or is this not the Droid you were looking for? Stay tuned for more coverage throughout the day as more info comes in on the Droid X.

[Press Release]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Better than the 19th, I guess, though not the 2nd.

  2. Does Verizon require a specific type of contract, or can I just get a typical 39.99 talk only plan with the 29.99 data package added on?

  3. WTH! That’s less than I paid for my Droid……

  4. What happened to that other droid story that was just up there? The one with the video capability details?

  5. “can I just get a typical 39.99 talk only plan with the 29.99 data package added on?”

    I’m pretty sure you can do that.

  6. WOW, DROID X is live today everywhere

  7. Count me in. Will be at VZW on the 15th.

    I love the fact that the X has 3 microphones… 1 for noise cancellation.
    Comes with 1570mAh battery. 1930mAh battery pack available later, only adding 1mm of thickness!
    Cheers on this device coming with 8GB internal and also coming with a 16GB SD Card.
    The X will also support 32GB SD!!!
    Can you say MULTI-TOUCH Keyboard?!!!

    I returned the Droid Incredible due to numerous issues with the device…Camera was constantly freezing/locking up, touchscreen grounding issue…
    I went back to a Blackberry Storm to wait for the Droid X.
    Looks like my wait won’t be for much longer.
    Looking forward to Motorola.

  8. First

    and also when do I preorder for this phone

  9. damn never mind

  10. Day One, just let me pre order it ASAP.

  11. What is the un-subsidized price of the phone? I just upgraded to the Incredible over a month ago. Need to sell it to get this phone instead…

  12. Why does the picture show the phone with Froyo that tips widget is Froyo only. I’m using 2.2

  13. Is the wifi hotspot fee required or an option?

  14. No mention of Droid 2. ::mutters::

  15. @jason

    Yes, Verizon requires the $30 smartphone data plan for any smartphones bought on contract. (Also, as many people note, you would be crazy to buy a smartphone and NOT get a data plan since they are data-intensive devices and you DON’T want to be charged by the MB on a non-data-inclusive plan.) I’m on Verizon and I have the DROID (original).

  16. i am very excited for this phone! i can’t wait to be done with T-Mobile, and their lack of any decent Android phones!

  17. Where do they show the Droid X dimensions and weight?

  18. @jon

    That wasn’t exactly my question. I know the data plan is required, but I think I remember the original droid requiring a full-on talk+text+data plan…

    Because I plan on using gvoice for text messaging, I don’t want to give verizon 10 bucks a month for it. That’s really the bottom line…

  19. Where are the hands on videos???? :/

  20. Why does the photo show 3G in the notification bar? Is Verizon a 3G network now???

    Very impressed with what I am seeing so far with this phone.

  21. My Touch Pro2 says 3G too, what’s your point?

    Anyway, I do like what I’m seeing with the Droid X, but honestly, I’m still going to wait. I guess the whole size thing is still getting to me. Once I go to 4.3″, I know I’ll never want to go back to 3.7″, but I also hate giving up the QWERTY.

    I’m holding out until October 1st. At that point, we’ll see if HTC is bringing any goodness to the table in the fall, plus the Droid 2 will obviously be out.

  22. Crap. MY Incredible ships overnight june 29. Is vzw 14 day our one month trial on new phones? I got early upgrade as part of a ‘ private sale.’ Paid the same so I would like To at least look

  23. I too wish they would have announced the unsubsidized price (I don’t want to be stuck with this when LTE is rolled out) as well as when preorders will begin.

    As a side note, if I am forced into a contract, I guess I can buy an LTE phone down the line, assuming I still want to be with Verion. I also hope there is a way around the mail in rebate either online or with certain retailers. If I have to let go of another $100 and wait 4-6 weeks, I might as well spend another $100-200 on top and have it without contract.

  24. @jason – yes you can do the $39.99 and $29.99 plan for any smartphone.

  25. What’s the purpose of having a multi-touch keyboard?

  26. Man I am not happy about no droid 2 announcement. I want to be able to play with both of these in the store before picking one. I’m afraid that the Droid X will just be TOO big.

  27. @ #25. W

    Having a multi-touch keyboard allows you to press more than one key simultaneously. This produces a faster typing experience. You don’t have to let go of the key you’re currently pressing down on, in order to enter the next letter. Typing all around will be alot faster.

    This is a big selling point for me. Engadget has a video of it.

  28. Pre-oders? Any information?

  29. This is a nice phone. Just hope they don’t go out of stock quickly with by virtue of the ability to upgrade early…

    Also, is it safe to say that Droid Incredible is dead at this point, or close to it? That thing is back ordered like crack.

  30. That’s my birthday. …lol even so I wont try to get it till about a week or so after it has sold out many many times

  31. I am salivating but still love my N1 for now.

  32. This phone is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooold!!!!!!! I will be 1st in line on the 15th!!!!!!!

  33. Jerry MacAfee on June 23rd asked a great question: WHAT IS THE OVERALL SIZE AND WEIGHT OF THE DROID X ? The features sound great but the photo makes me scared of having to buy a bigger purse. Plenty info out there about the screen size and the shape, but what is the exact height, width, depth and weight ? ? ?



    * Size Droid X: 5-by-2.6-by-0.4 inches; iPhone 4: 4.5-by-2.31-by-0.37 inches

    * Weight Droid X: 5.47 ounces; iPhone 4: 4.8 ounces (155g v. 137g)

    * Display Droid X: 4.3 inches diagonal; iPhone 4: 3.5 inches diagonal (109.2mm v. 88.9mm)

    * Resolution Droid X: 854×480; iPhone 4: 960×640

  35. Thanks Fran! I was searching for that info too!

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