
Motorola’s Updated Their Android 2.1 Upgrade List Again, Nothing Really New


Motorola’s just added a lot more phones to their Android 2.1 upgrade chart. Some are still listed as “under evaluation,” but at least it shows they’re thinking about you. To clarify, most of the phones on this list aren’t actually new, they’re just new to certain countries. If they update the chart again with some solid plans and dates for the new additions, we’ll bring the details right to your viewing device.

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[via AndroidCentral]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. 14 days till end of Q2. Moto, this will be my last moto phone if I don’t see 2.1 on the 31st.

  2. for us Cliq owners: Q2 = Third quarter of 2010 (impatiently laughs)

  3. 2.2 is what we want rolling out 2.1 now is half assed.

  4. @ Steve you cant be mad at Motorola for not bringing 2.2 out Google has not even released it yet.

  5. Google havent release 2.2 yet how you want motorola to have a release date

  6. Moto works on a funny callender. Q2 for them is July.

  7. Ahh please be just 14 more days for us cliq owners, been waiting long enough.

  8. This is bs I want my damn 2.1 by now its better than nothing damn my cliq is out of date and this is one of motorola oldest android yet they can hardly update it wtf

  9. Well, if it is 2.1 like on Milestone, then i don’t suggest you looking forward to it. Random reboots without any reason (and no core dump)…

  10. Here’s another Cliq user chiming in. I hope Motorola gets its act together. I’m becoming increasingly upset with them.

  11. One of the reasons I bought the N1 was to bypass the limitations of carriers. Had 2.1 since I bought the phone and now running the manually updated 2.2. Everyone else still waiting for upgrade to 2.1. Too bad the merchandising plan that Google envisioned with the N1 didn’t work.

  12. faugusztin: My milestone 2.1 has never rebooted (it did in 2.0 and 2.0.1 though). Had a few other problems though, but it has all been taken care of. Runs perfectly now. Though not thanks to motorola, thats for sure.

    Root, remove stock apps, add the real 2.1 apps, add LauncherPro and you’re golden. Its like a new phone.

  13. @Morten: My Milestone 2.1 does random reboots since I have update 2.1-update1 on it…

  14. moto are just shysters, don’t believe anything they tell you until it’s on your phone.

  15. keep ckecking every day for the famous update to the cliq to 2.1… i don’t even wanna think that after the 31st of THIS MONTH (JUNE) “Q2” they will change the subject and start with the apologies for being late for the update and/or they will coming soon… i’m really tired about this game… i guess motorala has a $$juicy$$ contract with verizon cause all the goodies from moto are in verizon… moto. don”t let us behind (cliq owners)actually. we always will be behind; when we get the 2.1 then we gotta wait another year (or almost)for the2.2 and bla bla bla… more than the same…

  16. Well moto today is the 29th. , u got 1 more day to get us cliq users tto 2.1……will it get done…..?

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