
And Qik for EVO is Back in the Market


No big deal. It was only a few days, right? The other day, Qik’s servers were being exhausted so much that they had to temporarily pull their HTC EVO 4G-specific app from the market to keep people from trying to hit the server. During that time, they worked hard to increase capacity for the demand they’d unexpectedly gotten.

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As of yesterday, that app is now back in the market per a quick update (no pun intended, scout’s honor) to the original blog post they made this past Saturday. What are you waiting for? Have at it, video chatters!

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. This is quite confusing. So the version of qik that came preinstalled on the EVO is not the one we should be using? Not trying to bash, but this was a pretty poor implementation all around. Fring works well (when it works) but it keeps forgetting my buddies that I add and sometimes can’t find them. Do we need another competitor so these two will get it right?!?

  2. Yes, I also would like to know which one to use. The app in the market, or the preinstall.

  3. Well i installed the EVO specific app and i tried it our last night. I tried it over 3G, and the quality was VERY VERY grainy, audio lagged a lot and you have to push a talk button on your side if you want the other person to hear you. I hope alot of these issues will be or can be fixed with some updates. I dont know how the Iphone facetime app will be but from what i saw on a video it looks pretty flawless, only thing is iphone app only works over wi-fi, so i guess EVO has an advantage there. But QIK needs to really improve this app to make it the best it can be.

  4. @SwampFox
    The preinstalled app does work for sharing live video online but does not support ‘Live Video Chat’. So you’ll need the ‘HTC Evo Qik’ app specifically for that.

  5. Agree with Mojo. It says I’m a “premium member” (at least for now) but the video quality was terrible. Grainy, blotchy, low-res, compressed. I thought maybe they’d allow you to upload HD video, and as this was the first time I’d ever even used the video camera on the EVO (yep, I did choose “high quality 720”, I thought perhaps it was just a crappy quality video camera. So then I uploaded a regular HD video I’d shot on the EVO to YouTube and it was perfect.

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