Tips & TricksVideo

Want To Watch Hulu On Your Android?


hulu-logoFirst off 2.2 only! Sorry! So now you have the delicious creamy taste of Froyo with all the extras including Flash 10.1 beta support. You go to watch Hulu (US only) only to find difficulty watching anything. But Ryan Gardner has shown us the light!

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Taken from

1) Open your Browser and type ” about:debug ” and press Go.  The browser will not change to any pages, but this is normal.


2) Go to settings and scroll to the bottom and select UAString (this allows you to select the user agent)


3) Select Desktop and you are good to go!  Just use the Back button to get back to your browsing


4) Enjoy!


Now lets hope Hulu don’t decide to block it!

[Thank you Ryan Gardner – @RyeBrye ,  &]

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  1. HULU!!! why do you hate our mobile goodness!!

  2. um, yes please!

  3. Its Not working anymore the first couple videos i played it worked fine. lately it’s telling me something’s wrong with my browser

  4. Sadly this is not going to be a case where Hulu “decides” to block it so much as being contractually forced to block it. The content providers give them specific license as to what screens that content can be shown on. Mobile screens aren’t among them.

  5. Eh…I’m waiting for the slingbox app!

  6. I’ll never understand how they figure one screen is different than another to allow content viewing. I mean either way you will see the ads. Does it matter if folks can look over your shoulder? They still see the ads. Its basically old folk still running these companies that don’t really get modern technology.

    Any way…this is all it took? And why does this require 2.2? If you have Steel you can change the user agent though I haven’t tried it for Hulu. I thought they’d found another way to block the sites.

  7. @Phil
    Its probably cause Hulu has to block each specific OS so they haven’t had time to block Froyo yet.

  8. Even if us people in the UK without a Nexus One did have froyo, we couldn’t access hulu.


  9. I just use the Skyfire browser, set that to Desktop mode (or you can change the useragent string too), and then Hulu worked on that great

  10. Just use skyfire browser

  11. @Phil It requires 2.2 as the videos are played in flash :)

  12. I already read about this way of watching HULU when I was going through the flash beta comment in marktetplace but its extremely unwatchable so why would one like to watch it on the phone? I’m not bashing anything or anyone but its pretty obvious that even computers with core 2 duo have issues so seems kinda silly to expect it to run smooth on a phone. I’m glad to have flash but hulu (grooveshark, etc) just aint smooth enough :)

    I think that everyone is gonna try this once or twice like I did and then just give up on this.

  13. How could they block it? Hulu recognizes it as a desktop browser, so if they blocked that they would just have to remove their website.

  14. Just use Skyfire browser with 2.2

  15. Andrew, They can block it by OS. For instance, the know as soon as you access their page the browser (not just the mobile vs desktop) and the OS that it is being accessed from. And even the versions of Android such as 1.5 or 2.2
    They can block it quite easily. But there are also ways around that. And when the time comes, someone will come up with a workaround like this one.

  16. in the thanks you have but it links to ???????

  17. this shit stopped working yesterday

  18. It depends on what the “Desktop” option actually returns as a string – anybody check that yet?

    Also, I believe flash itself also returns an agent string, and unless Adobe provides a way for us to tell flash not to identify itself as the android version, there’s no way to get around a block.

  19. Thanks Carl!

  20. whoops it’s still working. but as soon as hulu gets to an ad, video playback stops

  21. @Andrew

    Either flash or the browser is probably passing in the OS. Even coding for regular websites you can see exactly what OS, browser, screen resolution, etc the user is running. As long as it’s not flash passing in the info I’m sure its fairly easy to work around. I’m honestly not exactly sure what “Desktop” mode passes in. If it convinced the website to believe it was a linux machine running good ole chrome then it should be workable (save any problems with flash).

  22. Why does hulu care if we view video on our phone if we still see the advertisements? This is a real bummer, and unwarranted I think

  23. huck fulu

  24. anyone selling their N1, let me know

  25. No boxy, we are ALL very happy and content with our purchase like some new iPhone owners that I know :)

  26. Hey Boxy, I’m selling my unlocked N1 on ebay (I’m getting the Evo)… check out my listing.

  27. Thanks for the bait. Considering you start with, “First off 2.2 only! Sorry!” means you really are NOT that sorry but knew was going to drive people to go to the article just to disappoint.

    More deceptive then I would have expected from this site and can only be rewarded by the removal of this on my rss page. Oh well plenty of other good Android bloggers out there.

  28. I’m on 2.2 and made this change, but I’m still getting the message that Hulu isn’t supported on my platform.

  29. @Dead End- Calm down man. It’s not that serious.

  30. You know… I wouldn’t mind all this hate from Hulu if only they’d release an Android app.

  31. huck fulu shove it up your arse

  32. you can watch hulu on stock browser, xscope, or dolphin browsers on Android:

    HOW-TO is there ^^^

  33. Just tries this for my HTC EVO and it’s a no go. Tells me that July is not supported on my platform. Any suggestions?

  34. Nice job auto text correction. I *tried* this on my EVO and *hulu* tells me it’s not supported on my platform.

  35. Does switching to Desktop view still work? I just got 2.2 and the Hulu site is telling me I need Flash 10.0.22 or higher and to go download it.

  36. Thanks to whoever posted this. Its awesome on my EVO. Thanks so much!

  37. i tryed to do the first step would not work any idea why

  38. The fix doesn’t work anymore

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